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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

Hodgepodge;1522501; said:
I was under the impression that because of economic factors, the Columbus portion of the Herbstreit Classic was going to focus on Columbus-area teams and two out-of-state teams. It would certainly be a better matchup to put Aquinas and Orange Lutheran against the likes of Glenville Colerain, and Elder, but that costs more money and I don't think the Herbstreit Classic is exactly raking in money hand over fist.

But yeah, for OSU's purposes it works out well that Aquinas is coming here regardless of the matchup. It can only help with Joyner et alia.

I'm not sure on the financial situation of the HC, but the Crosstown Showdown series that the big-time Cincinnatti area schools participate in stopped any of them from taking part in this event.

They should really move the Herbstreit to week two.
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I went to the game. It didn't matter who Herbstreit matched STA up with. They would have done the same thing to any high school team in Ohio. It was a great day for football. It was fun watching a great team like STA. Let's just hope a couple of those guys come north to play football.

starBUCKS;1524875; said:
Who ever picked these match-ups should be replaced.... pathetic.
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