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KyLLLLLe KaLLLLLis (traitor with a platinum sombrero)

Dude really needs to work on that degree, because post-university life is looking to be, at best, intramurals.

He'll need that degree to get a job.

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Sometimes, it's more the recruits that you take than the ones you miss out on that hurt. I'm liking how things turned out with this joker...

I smile bigger and bigger each game I see him play in. And I smile bigger when i go back and read his quotes About Osu after he decommitted, and the trash he talked. Aww, kids these days
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A question for the more knowledgeable members. Do you think he would have been better under our coaching, or was he a lost cause regardless?
I think it has been pretty well established that there are certain players that don't "mesh" well with Urban Meyer and his coaching staff's approach.

Those same players seem to be drawn to Hoke and his staff's approach (Jabrill Peppers, DaShawn Hand).

I think this largely has to do with how each coach chooses to motivate their players.

Long story short, I don't think Kalis would have meshed well with Meyer.

If you don't have exceptional personal work ethic, I don't think Michigan has the coaching staff to drive you to be great.

That country club atmosphere is what attracts certain kids to them and I think it's a huge part of the reason why so many Hoke recruits underperform so terribly, with Kalis being a prime example.

Ohio State might have been able to turn Kalis into a player like so many examples from the current team, but I don't think he wanted that which is why he chose Michigan in the first place and chances are equally good that he'd transfer because there are no Buckeye moped gangs to run with.
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I think it has been pretty well established that there are certain players that don't "mesh" well with Urban Meyer and his coaching staff's approach.

Those same players seem to be drawn to Hoke and his staff's approach (Jabrill Peppers, DaShawn Hand).

I think this largely has to do with how each coach chooses to motivate their players.

Long story short, I don't think Kalis would have meshed well with Meyer.

If you don't have exceptional personal work ethic, I don't think Michigan has the coaching staff to drive you to be great.

That country club atmosphere is what attracts certain kids to them and I think it's a huge part of the reason why so many Hoke recruits underperform so terribly, with Kalis being a prime example.

Ohio State might have been able to turn Kalis into a player like so many examples from the current team, but I don't think he wanted that which is why he chose Michigan in the first place and chances are equally good that he'd transfer because there are no Buckeye moped gangs to run with.

This all may very well be true, but I will not underestimate what an Urban Meyer/Mickey Marotti attitude adjustment is capable of.
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This all may very well be true, but I will not underestimate what an Urban Meyer/Mickey Marotti attitude adjustment is capable of.
Agreed. Prior to Meyer's arrival, the country club atmosphere was alive and well in Columbus, and the Meyer-led coaching staff was able to turn a lot of bad attitudes into high-level performers
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Agreed. Prior to Meyer's arrival, the country club atmosphere was alive and well in Columbus, and the Meyer-led coaching staff was able to turn a lot of bad attitudes into high-level performers

You don't have to look any further than Ohio State's O-Line over the years for proof of that- fortunately it seemed to be isolated to one position for the most part.

O-line is definitely the spot where country club hits a team the hardest- Kalis and all the other five stars throwing up 27 for 27 and -47 is pretty solid evidence that that is going to be a major problem under Hoke.
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A question for the more knowledgeable members. Do you think he would have been better under our coaching, or was he a lost cause regardless?

No man who posses the traitor gene ever turns out to be worth a damn.

Once that gene becomes active no one can save the kid. It's best to just let them go and try to educate the younger children you may still be able to help.
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No man who posses the traitor gene ever turns out to be worth a damn.

Once that gene becomes active no one can save the kid. It's best to just let them go and try to educate the younger children you may still be able to help.

So I'm assuming it isn't the traitor gene if it goes the other way like Boren? Just seeing the error of his ways, making it right, and bringing his brothers with him?

All I know any true Buckeye wouldn't turn down OSU to go someplace else especially scUM. I haven't followed this kid to know what he said about OSU, but I'd have to think he didn't grow up a true Buckeye. If he did it might explain his performance issues at scUM. Pulling a dick move like that would have to eat at someone and make them second guess every decision they make. He now knows that the best he'll be able to do is play for a Rose Bowl like the rest of the B1G rather than National Championships.
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The Boren family might disagree with this. :sneaky:
So I'm assuming it isn't the traitor gene if it goes the other way like Boren? Just seeing the error of his ways, making it right, and bringing his brothers with him?

All I know any true Buckeye wouldn't turn down OSU to go someplace else especially scUM. I haven't followed this kid to know what he said about OSU, but I'd have to think he didn't grow up a true Buckeye. If he did it might explain his performance issues at scUM. Pulling a dick move like that would have to eat at someone and make them second guess every decision they make. He now knows that the best he'll be able to do is play for a Rose Bowl like the rest of the B1G rather than National Championships.

As I've said before, fleeing the Soviet Union was defecting in a search for freedom , going the other way was treachery.

*sorry if I forgot to put one of those tongue in cheek emoticons up on the first post.
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