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KyLLLLLe KaLLLLLis (traitor with a platinum sombrero)

The UM line coach has to be as bad as Bollman (complete idiot), to have Kalis this screwed up, and getting worse by the game..
You won't find many arguments up north (although some are losing sight of the trainwreck that was defending them today) with lambasting their OL coach, but if there's one place HS ability & rankings mean very little, it is the offensive line.

Such a massive transformation physically and so little tangible data on how he'll do when he's not toying with children.
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You won't find many arguments up north (although some are losing sight of the trainwreck that was defending them today) with lambasting their OL coach, but if there's one place HS ability & rankings mean very little, it is the offensive line.
.uch a massive transformation physically and so little tangible data on how he'll do when he's not toying with children.
I agree with what you're saying, but Kalis was a "real" 5 star recruit in high school. I've watched recruits who were 5 star recruits based on their looks and their measurables. Prescott Burgess (Warren Harding, UM), and Rob Rose (Glenville, tOSU) were 5 star recruits, who looked like NFL players, and did next to nothing on the field. Kalis had it all, high motor, and just beat the crap out of people.

Now he's crap, on a good day.
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I agree with what you're saying, but Kalis was a "real" 5 star recruit in high school.
who beat up on children at his position, and once he was done doing so, he had to be rebuilt physically (though there are some questions on that front too).

Nowhere is the physical disparity larger than HS & College OL. It's the reason the position is so hard to recruit and why so many no name prospects get drafted in the nfl.

Great corners will largely play at the same size. Same with slot receivers. Running backs are very simple to scout.

QB is trickier but you can see flashes, arm talent, touch, leadership, poise.
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who beat up on children at his position, and once he was done doing so, he had to be rebuilt physically (though there are some questions on that front too).

Nowhere is the physical disparity larger than HS & College OL. It's the reason the position is so hard to recruit and why so many no name prospects get drafted in the nfl.

Great corners will largely play at the same size. Same with slot receivers. Running backs are very simple to scout.

QB is trickier but you can see flashes, arm talent, touch, leadership, poise.
And that makes me wonder, what Urban and the staff saw out of Green. Given his measurables, and his film, I would've never guessed he would've been a bust.
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And that makes me wonder, what Urban and the staff saw out of Green.
As in, you wonder what they saw that made them move on from the alleged #1 back that was dying to be a buckeye?

As we saw this year, they had a bazillion power backs on the roster and the ones they have don't have weight issues.
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