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KyLLLLLe KaLLLLLis (traitor with a platinum sombrero)

Michigan coach Brady Hoke announced Friday in an interview with MGoBlue.com that junior walk-on Joey Burzynski (6-foot-1, 293) and redshirt freshman Erik Magnuson (6-foot-6, 285) will be the team's starting guards Saturday against Indiana (3:30 p.m., BTN).

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He will sit tomorrow. :lol:
A certain recruiting expert loves to say that recruiting is all about "comfort and relationships". Well, Kalis is a perfect example of what happens when a kid is a little too comfortable at his school. "Comfort" is what you earn after you have achieved "success". Urban Meyer wants an "angry pissed off" team, not a comfortable one, and it is no surprise that his teams have always been successful.

Kalis made a perfect choice in selecting Michigan. I'm sure that Hoke will give him a great big hug and tell him, "You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, you're a Michigan Man!"
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A certain recruiting expert loves to say that recruiting is all about "comfort and relationships". Well, Kalis is a perfect example of what happens when a kid is a little too comfortable at his school. "Comfort" is what you earn after you have achieved "success". Urban Meyer wants an "angry pissed off" team, not a comfortable one, and it is no surprise that his teams have always been successful.

Kalis made a perfect choice in selecting Michigan. I'm sure that Hoke will give him a great big hug and tell him, "You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, you're a Michigan Man!"

Yes but Hoke thinks Kalis wants to be a "sandwich" artist.
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