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KyLLLLLe KaLLLLLis (traitor with a platinum sombrero)

My fault--the walkon with the kittens on his shirt has beaten out Jack Miller, who Michigan fans have long been touting as the next great thing at center.


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According to the good people at Stadium and Main, Kalis graded last among O-Linemen in one game, and second to the last in the rest of the games. Everytime I watch the UM OLine perform like a Chinese fire drill, I think of Kaylis, "blood on the ground" remark. Unless they get that OLine together, it will be a bloody beating.
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According to the good people at Stadium and Main, Kalis graded last among O-Linemen in one game, and second to the last in the rest of the games. Everytime I watch the UM OLine perform like a Chinese fire drill, I think of Kaylis, "blood on the ground" remark. Unless they get that OLine together, it will be a bloody beating.

Kid needs to work on his "threatening a rape victim technique". If he does that he'll be an All American.
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That should fix everything.

You never know- kids can respond in different ways to Hoke's "be great just by showing up because it's Michigan" motivational strategy.

Sure, the starters have tured into out of shape wastes of space, but the backups, who couldn't win the starting job in the first place, might "buy in" a bit more into Hoke's message and really excel.
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6-6 seems relatively tall for a center, will be interesting to watch. With Bryant in for Miller, we're seeing two RS So. replacing each other...still not much production from the vaunted Hoke OL signees. What, exactly is wrong with Kugler right now? He has one hell of a pedigree.
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