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KyLLLLLe KaLLLLLis (traitor with a platinum sombrero)

See speculation below. Rumors. Take him or leave him? Could Warinner fix him?

Multiple Michigan underclassmen exploring transfer options

Kyle Kalis. Frankly, Kalis was sold on the fact that Ohio State was in transition, would likely struggle for his entire career, and that he could be the super star of Michigan’s team for 3-4 years. Kalis was also sold on the fact that Michigan O-line coach Darrell Funk could teach him the technique to become an All-American player and get drafted high in the NFL Draft…. Let’s just say that none of those promises are believed to be true by Kalis and those close to him.
Could we have a Justin Boren V 2.0? Potentially – word is that Kalis is super obsessed with Ohio State and Urban Meyer and longs to play in his home state for his dream coach.

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So....He thought Ohio State would suck his entire career:lol: and decided he'd rather go to scUM:rofl:. <Gets some Lee Corso action:sob:> Now decides he really wants to play for his dream coach in his home state.

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I, for one, hope I never see him in the scarlet and grey. I might feel differently if it hadn't been the way that he went about choosing his schools during his recruitment and his attitude after he committed. Now that OSU is on a 21 game win streak he wants to flee his sinking ship like a rodent and jump on our bandwagon? He had his chance. That ship has sailed, and if he wants to walk on, I hope that's what Meyer tells him. Fuck him, he's scUM.
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Somewhere back on this thread - around the time he flipped - I predicted that there would come a day in late Nov where he would stand there watching Ohio State destroy his team and the thought would occur to him: "What in the hell was I thinking?" I think that prediction will be realized on Nov 30, 2013.

Change in scUM motto: "Those who stay will wish they didn't"
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Somewhere back on this thread - around the time he flipped - I predicted that there would come a day in late Nov where he would stand there watching Ohio State destroy his team and the thought would occur to him: "What in the hell was I thinking?" I think that prediction will be realized on Nov 30, 2013.

Change in scUM motto: "Those who stay will wish they didn't"

I'm sure Kalis is thrilled he allowed Strobel and Wormley to sway him away from his childhood dream with the 'Ohio State will be penalized so severely they'll be irrelevant for four years' kool aid. In fact, Strobel and Kalis probably discuss it during games while watching the no-talent clowns on the two-deep in front of them get worked.

I don't think this Ace Williams article is credible from top to bottom, but I don't doubt there's some dissension growing among some younger guys after Sparty just kicked their teeth in.
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I agree that this is likely just blog fodder and B.S. If there is any truth to it, do not want. Maybe if he hadn't run his mouth and embarrassed himself I would feel differently.
Umm- maybe if he wasn't terrible. I don't care what he has said or does say in the future, he straight up sucks and I don't want him wasting a scholarship on Ohio State's sideline.

The biggest difference between Justin Boren and Kalis is that Boren was good at playing football.
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