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KyLLLLLe KaLLLLLis (traitor with a platinum sombrero)

If your a kid growing up in the mid west and you are a blue chipper....Michigan and Ohio State ARE who you visit...I know to the fans it seems like sacrelige...Michigan is going to have a good class and they will be better in a few years...it was bound to happen no matter what

Its going to be OK........your school spends a lot of money on football...more than SC more than the U more than anyone

they will spend on staff to make sure we stabilize and get better...we might not contend for a BCS bowl one year...its ok the beer is still cold
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Buckeyecty4;1943121; said:
You really want players like that? At least Wormley has always been a long time Michigan fan. Kalis appears to simply not want to make the sacrifice that kids like Powell, Ball, Perry, and the majority of the 2011 class are making.

Stuff like this is treading the line on recruit bashing. Let's not jump to any conclusions, especially on Kyle. We're not out of this with him. Lots of football left to be played between now and February.

Ohio State is going to surprise a lot of folks this fall. There's not a team in the country more motivated than our boys right now, and they'll be going out there every week with something to prove. That type of sentiment within a team is some powerful stuff. When we can prove that we are still Ohio State and the wins continue to come, the recruits will be there. Hang in there, guys. We'll be alright.
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BuckTwenty;1943174; said:
Stuff like this is treading the line on recruit bashing. Let's not jump to any conclusions, especially on Kyle. We're not out of this with him. Lots of football left to be played between now and February.

Ohio State is going to surprise a lot of folks this fall. There's not a team in the country more motivated than our boys right now, and they'll be going out there every week with something to prove. That type of sentiment within a team is some powerful stuff. When we can prove that we are still Ohio State and the wins continue to come, the recruits will be there. Hang in there, guys. We'll be alright.

Thats not bashing at all...
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k2onprimetime;1943194; said:
Thats not bashing at all...

Calling a player's character into question is indeed treading very closely to bashing.

And I for one am frankly getting tired of your negativity in the recruiting forum. I don't care if every single one of our current commits decommit...sanctions have yet to be determined and there's the whole season yet to be played. Those who have committed, or are thinking about committing, to Michigan will have their eyes opened yet again on Nov 26th.
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BuckTwenty;1943174; said:
Stuff like this is treading the line on recruit bashing. Let's not jump to any conclusions, especially on Kyle. We're not out of this with him. Lots of football left to be played between now and February.

Ohio State is going to surprise a lot of folks this fall. There's not a team in the country more motivated than our boys right now, and they'll be going out there every week with something to prove. That type of sentiment within a team is some powerful stuff. When we can prove that we are still Ohio State and the wins continue to come, the recruits will be there. Hang in there, guys. We'll be alright.

This. I think it also bears keeping in mind that for mediocre programs like Michigan the summer is the high point of their season. Everything is great in June and July, "we're gonna do this!" and "a new era of winning" and promises to recruits and fans and its all talk. This is what losers traditionally do. Talk during the off-season about how everything is gonna be different, how great we're gonna be, how we've turned the corner, etc. Then when the season starts all the promises suddenly turn into excuses. The cameraderie turns into finger-pointing. The hope turns into despair. Suddenly the kids that were buying your line in June are looking elsewhere in November. Its a long time 'til signing day and every school is going to have to put their product on the field against live competition before it gets here. Talk gets real cheap real fast in the Big 10. Worry not.
As for Kyle I'm really only sure of two things:
1) Ohio State would love to have him join the family and be a part of something great, and 2) we'll win without him if we have to.
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stowfan;1943109; said:
Why does this board have rules about trying to talk directly to a recruit?

Since you won't PM me back..You'd better check your facts before you go PUBLICLY putting someone on blast. Now if you're making an attempt at sarcasm that isn't directed at me after all then I apologize for lashing out. But something tells me I'm (unfortunately) correct in my assumption.
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MililaniBuckeye;1943196; said:
Calling a player's character into question is indeed treading very closely to bashing.

And I for one am frankly getting tired of your negativity in the recruiting forum. I don't care if every single one of our current commits decommit...sanctions have yet to be determined and there's the whole season yet to be played. Those who have committed, or are thinking about committing, to Michigan will have their eyes opened yet again on Nov 26th.

What negativity is that? stating facts? I could care less about what you're tired of. Kalis just said a week or so ago he was 100% committed as long as Fickell is the coach, then he goes an de-commits and plans a trip up north. I didnt say that stuff, he did...
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Think of it as being our "players to be named later" from when we "traded" you the Boren family.

Hopefully, thinking of it that way is a little less painful... I know how much this must suck for you guys. Losing Dee Hart last year was brutal, as was the Justin Boren transfer.
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k2onprimetime;1943207; said:
What negativity is that? stating facts? I could care less about what you're tired of. Kalis just said a week or so ago he was 100% committed as long as Fickell is the coach, then he goes an de-commits and plans a trip up north. I didnt say that stuff, he did...

The kid is 17-18 years old. It's his decision. There are dynamics of which we all here are unaware. As for negativity:




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It is June 22nd not February. OSU only has itself to blame for this and the medicine does not taste good. Uncertainty kills in recruiting let everything play out. I am in the minority but I do not see major penalities for OSU. JT lost his job but there is no way a program can prevent a rogue coach that lied to them and the NCAA. I really want to see how you can punish a university and compliance especially if UCONN basketball did not get punished and their coach kept his job. There are no agents or academic fraud in our case. Kalis should keep his options open and if he commits to SCUM then he wants to play for the second best team in Michigan.
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