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Kevin (Tim “Asshat” Racadb) Warren (ex-B1G Commissioner)

I'm done paying attention to B1G half-wits and Kevin Warren. If they pull their heads out of their asses I'm sure I'll hear about it.

You'd think someone was asking them to split an atom. Meanwhile, the PAC 12 hired a testing firm because that's the stuff you do when you're planning to move forward.

I can't wait to hear about that January/Spring football schedule. :roll1:
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Can we take the political theories and conspiracy theories that may or may not have influenced the decision to the poli board and just discuss whether the B1G will or will not play football over here.
I agree those things are relevant, and I've brought them up myself. I was talking more about the suggestions that Warren and the B10 Presidents made the decision with an eye towards influencing the election.
Yep, there was 1 post on the previous post that got into political issues, but it didn’t get any traction. If it does, we’ll move that.
It seemed like a decent opportunity to make fun of Clay Travis, but, point taken. Now, onto more important things like...SirYacht?
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The yacht is more like a old rusty tin boat with no motor

Sir Yacht is actually Mr Garbage Barge....

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Been a busy holiday weekend and couldn't really keep up with things. How did Sir Yacht's "for sure definatly gonna happen" vote turn out on Friday?

According to sources, Sir Yacht may be full of shit. However, I have it on good authority that something will possibly happen this week. Maybe Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday. Possibly Friday. This is according to multiple sources that know people in the know.
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As far as I'm concerned if TTUN wants to complete their journey to irrelevancy by playing in January with their bottom feeder friends, let 'em.

Also, isn't Warren's job to build consensus or manage through it? What's he doing right now?

If that's accurate you have 8 teams willing to play.

What's the problem?
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