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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Texas insiders have now upgraded their chances to 66%. They also say they will be mildly shocked if they don't land him. Where could they possibly be getting their "inside" info? It seems they are basing all this on the fact that Barksdale has talked multiple times with a couple of Texas commits.
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Scout - Allen Wallace - 07/11/06

Joseph will release his top 5 by the start of football season (mid-August).

In the article, he talks mostly about Texas (family ties to the state, facilities, atmosphere, academics) and Ohio State (proximity to home, relationship with coaches and players, Vernon Gholston).

Is he saying Texas' facilities, academics, and atmosphere are better than Ohio State's or just that Barksdale really likes them?
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Do you think he'll get caught up in the recruiting despite seeing the complete difference in depth charts and opportunity for his family to see him play here at home? We are so thin at DT whereas Texas keeps getting 4 and 5* the past 2 years.
i think that's the million dollar question. There's a lot of things lately that have been irking me lately and I should probably shutup before I say something stupid. (nothing that OSU can control)
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Nope. While most people have said that, Trattou has said he prefers to play DE. So until he officially makes the switch, he's an end in my book.

The only true DT we've recruited has been Derrell Hand, and he saw no playing time last year. Like I said, BARE.

I love Trattou as a big DE who will spot you a 4 or 5 sacks a year, but is great against the run. I think he's a good get for ND.
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my crystal ball is saying that in a few months no one will think he is going to texas, and everyone will believe it is down to usc and osu and that usc has a 85% shot at him

funny you should say that, USC is starting to make a real push now. Here's the thing, OSU makes the most sense for him, if he wants to play DT. Bottom line. Joe's a smart kid I think he'll figure that out when he plays the whole recruiting game.

But as far as me saying Joe's a lock........I was wrong, I apologize.

I'm not calling him Fred Davis or anything, but man that recruitment made me gun shy. :biggrin:
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