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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Gonna' have to disagree with you there. Ohio St.-Michigan is always the biggest game of the year. He sounded extremely impressed with Texas' facilities which was a little surprising since we're supposed to have the best or are going to have the best.

Without trying to deviate from Joseph too much, he's already made it known that he didn't grow up rooting for a team persay and that would lead me to believe the history and tradition of an OSU vs UM wouldn't be as "special" to him. Throw in the fact that the two schools that got the most "pub" in his recent article are facing off in Week 2, which will all but guarentee to be two Top 5 teams facing off, I'd have to disagree with you.

Back to Josesph though. You have to love our chances going up against Texas compared to a Michigan.
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Barksdale is interested in Michigan.

He's bringing his mother to tOSU and Texas because she hasn't seen those places yet, and if he wants to go to one of those places he'll need the go ahead from mom. His mother has already seen Michigan plenty of times as its only a 30-40 min drive from their home.
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Without trying to deviate from Joseph too much, he's already made it known that he didn't grow up rooting for a team persay and that would lead me to believe the history and tradition of an OSU vs UM wouldn't be as "special" to him. Throw in the fact that the two schools that got the most "pub" in his recent article are facing off in Week 2, which will all but guarentee to be two Top 5 teams facing off, I'd have to disagree with you.

Back to Josesph though. You have to love our chances going up against Texas compared to a Michigan.

Barksdale called the OSU-Michigan game the "best rivalry in all of sports."
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Barksdale called the OSU-Michigan game the "best rivalry in all of sports."

True, but I think the fact he didn't grow up rooting for any particular school [which was in the same interview he stated OSU vs Michigan was the biggest rivalry in all of sports] AND the fact that the two schools he's interested in the most [it seems] will play each other in Week 2 overshadows that "biggest rivalry" comment, but that is IMO of course.
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Why are we so quick to write off Texas' insiders?

We take our insider's words for law, but their insiders are idiots?

I'm not saying Barksdale's going to Texas, but when there's smoke...

EDIT: wrote Martin instead. Brain fart.
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