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Jet's so serial: PSU = RIVALS!!!1!!11!

Ohio State is like Alabama. We have one (R)ival. Beyond that we have transitory (r)ivals that rise up to challenge us in the conference for a time. Alabama had Tennessee in the 90s, Florida in the late 00s and LSU today. We had Purdue in the mid 60s. In the 80s, it was Illinois and Iowa. Post 1993, ped aggy could have assumed that role, yet they fell on their face. Their strength turned out to have been a combination of weak competition and JoePed's handpicked home ref crews. Since 1993, Wisconsin has stepped in to fill that role.

Michigan is our Rival. Wisconsin is our current rival. Penn State is an annoying program that tends to beat us slightly more than Iowa or Purdue.
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What it all comes down to is that we're a bunch of old farts who have a hard time remembering that State Penn is even in the B1G... let alone thinking about them enough to consider them a rival. No real mind-share when it comes to football equates to no real rival... at least for many of us.

Maybe ask some younger kid if they consider State Penn to be a rival and they reply differently as they've most likely grown up with them as part of the conference.

Frankly, total records aside, I'd consider Wisky to be a bigger rival on the field that State Penn. That said, State Penn is a big rival when it comes to having a big stadium and a lot of seats. If you want to use that as your measuring stick... then, yup... I guess they are... but not on the football field.
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So before playing a down of football for 62 years the football teams not even formed were already rivals? Guess that battle over the Toledo strip really meant something to you.

Let me try and follow your logic for a second. Because the states of Pennslyvania and Ohio did not have a battle over land they could not be rivals from day one like you insist Michigan was. Can you answer the (I'm betting you can't, but humor me) following question: Michigan won 21 of the first 24 games with Ohio State, at what point did Michigan consider Ohio State to be a rival? 1835, right..... :lol

Since 1993 as Zurp pointed out Penn State has the 3rd best conference record (not counting Nebraska at this point), so your thought of middle of the road is false.

I think you have been hanging out at BWI to much.

Penn State did well in the league from 1992-1999. Since 2000, they have definitely been below average in the big ten, and that includes the period where the Big Ten has been claimed to be down in general.

As for the point about the Toledo War being an explination for the Ohio State/scUM rivalry, I'm sure it is just as relevant as the the raids between Missouri and Kansas during the Civil War era. In fact, I remember seeing multiple claims that football was adopted in the South as a way to make them feel like they could refight the Civil War (Albeit with shoes this time.)
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Since 1993 as Zurp pointed out Penn State has the 3rd best conference record (not counting Nebraska at this point), so your thought of middle of the road is false.

Meh - I'd call them "top of the middle of the conference". Ohio State has won over 20 more conference games than Penn State has in 20 years (or 21 counting this year). To consider Ohio State and Penn State on the same page in that timeframe is silly. And people bring up this 16-13 record, saying how close the two teams are in competitiveness. That's all time. You sound like a Michigan fan, bringing up games from World War I and before. What are their recent records against each other? Since joining the Big Ten, Penn State has won 7 of 21 games against Ohio State. Since 2001, Ohio State is 9-4 against Penn State.

True, Michigan's record against Ohio State is really bad in that same timeframe (since 2001). But Michigan and Ohio State were a rivalry long before that, and people talk about how Ohio State has been dominating Michigan lately has been killing the rivalry. Listen to a non-ESPN national radio show, and when they talk about Ohio State and Michigan they say how the rivalry is losing its luster because of Michigan's inability to compete. They inevitably go back to "the 10 year war", 1969-1978, when each team won 5 games (I'm going to give 1973 to Ohio State, due to how pissed Bo was about it, even to his death). But the rivalry went back long before that. To when? I don't know. But since about 1930 or 1934 or so, it's been the last game of the season for both teams (with few exceptions, when one team played Hawaii, or some other such nonsense). So in order for the conference to set up that schedule, it must have already been a rivalry.

I think Penn State CAN become a rival of Ohio State. But they're not doing it right. The "rivalry" doesn't have the history to support the 9-4 dominance of Ohio State over Penn State, the last 13 years.

Maybe I can't describe what a true "rivalry" is. And maybe it's because I grew up with Ohio State - Michigan, and Penn State didn't play Ohio State until I was a senior in high school (1980 doesn't count, because I didn't give a stinky turd about football when I was 4, especially the day after Christmas). I have recognized Penn State as a good opponent at times, but that's the same thing as Purdue, at times, or Iowa or Sparty or Wisconsin. Or even Illinois and Northwestern at times. Maybe if Penn State wins at least 40% of the next 10 games against Ohio State, and wins more than 1 conference championship in that time (their current pace is 3 conference championships in 21 years - assuming they have no claim to "win" the Big Ten this year) - that might be a good start to a rivalry. And maybe even then I won't consider them a rival, since I'll be 47 at that time, and probably too stuck in my ways. Meh.

Until then, they're nothing more than Purdue in a good year, or Wisconsin, or Iowa or Sparty, etc.
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I'm in the minority, but I always looked at the Penn State as being special. I never wanted them to establish themselves, or their brand with the Ohio recruiting base. UM is our rival, but I think of the Penn State game as a cut above most of the others.
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Since 2000:
-PSU has exactly 2 more B1G conference wins than Iowa
-PedState has gone 4-4 or worse 6 times
-Their wins vs OSU were in 2001, 2005, 2008 and 2011

If that isn't the hallmark of a mid tier B1G school that can only put a competitive product on the field about once every 4 years then I have never seen one.

NOT a rival.
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Zurp makes a good point. Penn State did not join the Big Ten until I was out of high school. All I knew about Penn State was that Paterno was their coach, KiJana Carter was going there, and they beat Miami when Miami was good. To me, the idea that they are somehow our rival all stems from the Big Ten office's decision that we should play them every year. I'm sure the Big Ten wanted a big name matchup, and contributed to the whole "rivalry" narrative. It made sense in a way, since scUM already had us and Michigan State as in conference rivals. The league office also tried to make Michigan State Penn State's rival, but that didn't work out.

Anyway, I know what a loss to scUM feels like. And I don't mean a 2011 type loss, when we are not even fielding a good team. I am talking a 1995 or a 1996 type loss. Even 1997, when we lost to PSU and scUM, which loss hurt more? It certainly was scUM for me. In fact, I have never felt anything remotely similar when we have lost to Penn State. They just don't have the ability to stick with me through the entire offseason and all the way into the next season.
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The league office also tried to make Michigan State Penn State's rival, but that didn't work out.

Rivalries are like nicknames: you can't MAKE them - they just come into being.

Anyway, I know what a loss to scUM feels like. And I don't mean a 2011 type loss, when we are not even fielding a good team. I am talking a 1995 or a 1996 type loss. Even 1997, when we lost to PSU and scUM, which loss hurt more? It certainly was scUM for me. In fact, I have never felt anything remotely similar when we have lost to Penn State. They just don't have the ability to stick with me through the entire offseason and all the way into the next season.

I can, by heart, go through every OSU-UM game back to 1986, and tell you the outcome - either the exact score, or a quick recap of the outcome (i.e. "they smoked us" or "we were trying a last-second field goal that would have won, but missed it"). I can't do that with Penn State. Those games just don't stick in my head the way Michigan games do.
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Penn State did well in the league from 1992-1999. Since 2000, they have definitely been below average in the big ten, and that includes the period where the Big Ten has been claimed to be down in general.

Agree. I think that once their sanctions are up though and they new leadership that they could become a better than slighty above middle of the road football team in the conference and develop a deeper rivalry with Ohio State. Time will tell I guess.

Meh - I'd call them "top of the middle of the conference". Ohio State has won over 20 more conference games than Penn State has in 20 years (or 21 counting this year). To consider Ohio State and Penn State on the same page in that timeframe is silly. And people bring up this 16-13 record, saying how close the two teams are in competitiveness. That's all time. You sound like a Michigan fan, bringing up games from World War I and before. What are their recent records against each other? Since joining the Big Ten, Penn State has won 7 of 21 games against Ohio State. Since 2001, Ohio State is 9-4 against Penn State.

Well others were referring to them as middle of the road. To me middle of the road is .500 which they have been better than overall (not recently). I guess my point is that they are better than middle of the road, albeit not by much.

I think Penn State CAN become a rival of Ohio State. But they're not doing it right. The "rivalry" doesn't have the history to support the 9-4 dominance of Ohio State over Penn State, the last 13 years. .

At what point does it become a rivalry though? Is it a matter of fact, personal preference, or other factors.
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Going back to Bo's first year, the series is dead even at 21-21-2. Dead even over 44 years is a rivalry. Not dead even for the first two years of the series and then getting beat consistently two times out of three for the following two decades.

Woody (4-5-1) and Earl (5-4) combined broke even as did the combined records of Cooper (2-10-1) and Tressel/Fickell/Meyer (10-2)

I remember how I felt after the 86 and the 95-96-97 losses to Michigan. The Penn State losses (even 94) really have no lingering memory for me. Conversely, I can remember the joy of beating them in Earl's last year or JT's first year and watching the current streak unfold. Beatdowns of the pedsters have a minor bit of immediate pleasure solely for putting that fanbase in its rightful place but nothing really beyond that. None of the wins have become truly memorable.
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