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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

MANofTROY;1528313; said:
They may be similar but damn its just something about that Trojan uniform that looks so damn powerful. But FUCLA? BOOOOOOO THIS MAN!!!!

Did those jerseys look so powerful in the 1990s? Nope. USC's success over the last seven seasons is what has made those jerseys "powerful". UCLA's jerseys look sharp even though they're not a great team. Cardinal and gold is a nice color scheme, but for you to say they're the best in all of college football is blatant homerism.
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I'm not going to put them in a order:

Miami (2000-2003). I hate the way their uniforms look now
Ohio State
Michigan (Home). Their updated aways are disgusting.

I disagree with the person who prefers UCLA over USC. Even though Iowa State completely copied USC, I still think USC's look much more classt and I think their helmet is one of the best in the game at the moment.
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MililaniBuckeye;1528316; said:
Did those jerseys look so powerful in the 1990s? Nope. USC's success over the last seven seasons is what has made those jerseys "powerful". UCLA's jerseys look sharp even though they're not a great team. Cardinal and gold is a nice color scheme, but for you to say they're the best in all of college football is blatant homerism.

College football’s best uniforms: #4 Southern Cal » 40 Acres Sports
SI.com - Photo Gallery - College Football's Best Uniforms
College Football Insider: Top 10 College Football Uniforms
No. 4: USC Trojans | Top 10 College Football Uniforms
GameSpot Forums - Off-Topic Discussion - Best college football uniforms?
You gotta admit we have a uniform fit for a king.
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I agree with Mili, I'll take UCLA's uni's for originality and crispness over USCs. They'd definately be in my top 6 or 7.

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OregonBuckeye;1528321; said:
Florida State

The thread is jerseys, not uniforms. What is so great about a plain blue jersey like scUM's? The 3 I listed are the only ones that stand out to me.

Can I say something about our hate for TSUN.

While it is clear that we should hate everything from that unholy school up North, I will say that if we don't respect what they have going for them then there isnt really a rivalry. If Michigan was basically a Rich Rod program from since 1900 and had awful uniforms and no tradition then would the rivalry even matter? It would be like playing another school.

Miami vs FSU
USC vs Notre Dame
Auburn vs Bama
Duke vs UNC
Yankees vs Red Sox

The things that make these rivalries great are the traditions involved. Honestly I dont want Michigan to be 3-9 every year until I die. I'd rather them be good, and then we ruin their season.The more they suck then the less it matters.

Look at the USC vs Notre Dame rivalry. I'd rather have it like how it was in the past or at least 2005, then what we've had the past 2 seasons.

When it comes to the uniform I think the simpiler uniforms look better. I think only a few schools can pull off a simple uniform soo classy.
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NFBuck;1528324; said:
I agree with Mili, I'll take UCLA's uni's for originality and crispness over USCs. They'd definately be in my top 6 or 7.



I don't know. I like their unfiroms a lot more than UCLA's. I perfer UCLA's basketball unis, but the red on yellow and the design looks much better to me. The writing on the UCLA helmet, and the gold pants just dont look good to me.

Something about USC's just look awesome to me.
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