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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

NextBuck;1528330; said:
Can I say something about our hate for TSUN.

While it is clear that we should hate everything from that unholy school up North, I will say that if we don't respect what they have going for them then there isnt really a rivalry. If Michigan was basically a Rich Rod program from Day 1900 and had awful uniforms and no tradition then would the rivalry even matter? It would be like playing another school.

Miami vs FSU
USC vs Notre Dame
Auburn vs Bama
Duke vs UNC
Yankees vs Red Sox

The things that make these rivalries great are the traditions involved. Honestly I dont want Michigan to be 3-9 every year until I die. I'd rather them be good, and then we ruin their season.The more they suck then the less it matters.

Look at the USC vs Notre Dame rivalry. I'd rather have it like how it was in the past or at least 2005, then what we've had the past 2 seasons.

When it comes to the uniform I think the simpiler uniforms look better. I think only a few schools can pull off a simple uniform soo classy.
Eh, I simply don't like the blue and pee color combo. Never have.

As for the rivalry needing both teams to be strong, that's true to an extent. Every rivalry has had lean years, tOSU-scUM being one of the few that haven't had any significant dips recently (last year not withstanding). Auburn-Bama: Alabama had been down for quite a while before Satan arrived and Auburn was baaaad for a lot of the 90's.
Texas-OU: Both Texas and OU were down for most of the 90's
Sox-Yanks: The Sox and Yanks had down years/periods in the 80's and 90's.
Duke-UNC: UNC stunk for a few years around the turn of the century pre-Roy Williams

The big, long standing rivalries are resilient, they'll bounce back just as soon as the teams are in the spotlight again. THE GAME can deal with a few bad years from scUM. I hate those bastards with all my heart and DickRod is taking away the respect I had for that program, so I'd love to see them SUFFER for the next few years. They'll bounce back eventually, but I sense a pretty decent swoon is at foot...
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NextBuck;1528332; said:

I don't know. I like their unfiroms a lot more than UCLA's. I perfer UCLA's basketball unis, but the red on yellow and the design looks much better to me. The writing on the UCLA helmet, and the gold pants just dont look good to me.

Something about USC's just look awesome to me.
I do like USC's uniforms, they have a nice classic feel to them, but for originality, I go with UCLA. There are similar uniforms to USC's but UCLA's are pretty unique. This subject is about jerseys though and I prefer UCLA's by a pretty large margin.
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NFBuck;1528333; said:
Eh, I simply don't like the blue and pee color combo. Never have.

As for the rivalry needing both teams to be strong, that's true to an extent. Every rivalry has had lean years, tOSU-scUM being one of the few that haven't had any significant dips recently (last year not withstanding). Auburn-Bama: Alabama had been down for quite a while before Satan arrived and Auburn was baaaad for a lot of the 90's.
Texas-OU: Both Texas and OU were down in the 90's
Sox-Yanks: The Sox and Yanks had down years in the 80's and 90's.
Duke-UNC: UNC stunk for a few years around the turn of the century pre-Roy Williams

The big, long standing rivalries are resilient, they'll bounce back just as soon as the teams are in the spotlight again. THE GAME can deal with a few bad years from scUM. I hate those bastards with all my heart and DickRod is taking away the respect I had for that program, so I'd love to see them SUFFER for the next few years. They'll bounce back eventually, but I sense a pretty decent swoon is at foot...

Oh yeah I agree that every major rivalry has one or both teams go through its low times, but sometimes I deal with rivalry fans who just hate the team soo blindly that they cant respect the good points on their rival. You dont gotta like anything about them, but you gotta respect them. That's why I was really proud about how Buckeyes handled Bo's death. They didnt like the man for most their life, but when he died they took time to respect what he did for our school even as our enemy.

I just posted this in here for some reason. Maybe its because I'm in Cali till January so I've gotten soft lol. I just didnt want fellow Buckeye fans to get harassed if they posted Michigans unis because I feel that is a dumb thing for us to hate. Personally all I feel that they got going for them is the unis, Bo, and the fact that they are smart enough to jack their best players from Ohio (cough DHoward/CWoodson). Besides that, I agree DickRod is a perfect fit for that arrogant landfill.

I wouldnt mind to see our win streak go to 10. Double digits would be awesooomme.
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NFBuck;1528334; said:
I do like USC's uniforms, they have a nice classic feel to them, but for originality, I go with UCLA. There are similar uniforms to USC's but UCLA's are pretty unique. This subject is about jerseys though and I prefer UCLA's by a pretty large margin.

Yeah this is all pretty subjective stuff. No right or wrong answer. Maybe I'm not a baby blue type of guy.

I'd throw out Notre Dame, Texas, and my sleeper pick of Michigan St. Notre Dame just because of their helmets and I like their blue/white jerseys, Texas because idk I like it, and MSU because I think they pull off green the best in the country since Miami blew it.

When Miami had these Jerseys I thought they were pretty slick:
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I used to like OSU's away jerseys the most, but I think I've switched to the home jerseys. They're awesome.

As for USC and UCLA, I like whichever I'm looking at the most. They're both great jerseys and I can't choose one over the other.

I love Notre Dame's green jerseys.. like their regular home ones a lot too.

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Ohio State could wear YMCA jerseys out there and they would still be number one in my book so I'll do my next 5 favorite.

Texas: Love the clean look with the 2 stripes on the shoulder.

Florida: Just think they have a unique look to them. Like that color of blue.

North Carolina: Always a popular choice for basketball, but nobody really talks about their football jerseys because of there lack of relevance. I kinda like em.

Hate these jerseys:
Clemson, scUM, anything Oregon is wearing,
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Ohio State could wear YMCA jerseys out there and they would still be number one in my book so I'll do my next 5 favorite.

Texas: Love the clean look with the 2 stripes on the shoulder.

Florida: Just think they have a unique look to them. Like that color of blue.

North Carolina: Always a popular choice for basketball, but nobody really talks about their football jerseys because of there lack of relevance. I kinda like em.

Cal: Just kinda like there jersey simplicity, yet it's not quite 19th century like PSU's.

Tennessee: Nice colors.

Hate these jerseys:
Clemson, scUM, anything Oregon is wearing, South Carolina, Syracuse,
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Buckeyefrankmp;1528347; said:
I would put Penn State up there. No nonsense uniforms. They are throwback in their look only needing mud and grass stains to complete them.

My favorite non scarlet and gray uniforms. The home blue are pretty sweet. I like the classic clean layout.
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I like Georgia's jersy's............

Texas, Penn State, I like Bama's Crimson and simple and I like ASU's combo with the yellow helmet.... I know its just jersy's but ASU looks cool...

of course it goes with out saying tOSU's are number one
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MANofTROY;1528308; said:
3.Florida State
4.Notre Dame
5.Georgia/Ohio state Tie

OK. So a member named "Man of Troy" and whose second favorite team is UM has USC and UM with the top two jerseyes in college football? :roll1: Is it possible for this thread to be both the worst and the most biased?
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buckeyesin07;1528363; said:
OK. So a member named "Man of Troy" and whose second favorite team is UM has USC and UM with the top two jerseyes in college football? :roll1: Is it possible for this thread to be both the worst and the most biased?
Hey now, im entitled to my opinion thats why you have the choice of putting your own top 5 up :)
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MANofTROY;1528311; said:
Michigan is my second favorite college football team. You have to admit "SCUM" have some beautiful home team uniforms!

MANofTROY;1528322; said:

Paging BB73. Someone's telling you what you "have to" (gotta) do. I know you don't care much about jersey and/or uni discussions, but this guy is ordering all of us, and therefore you, around. Are you just going to take that lying down??? This is a HUGE issue!!!one!eleventy!!
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DaddyBigBucks;1528419; said:
Paging BB73. Someone's telling you what you "have to" (gotta) do. I know you don't care much about jersey and/or uni discussions, but this guy is ordering all of us, and therefore you, around. Are you just going to take that lying down??? This is a HUGE issue!!!one!eleventy!!

I just saw it - looks like you've handled it. :wink2:
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NextBuck;1528330; said:
Can I say something about our hate for TSUN.

While it is clear that we should hate everything from that unholy school up North, I will say that if we don't respect what they have going for them then there isnt really a rivalry. If Michigan was basically a Rich Rod program from since 1900 and had awful uniforms and no tradition then would the rivalry even matter? It would be like playing another school.

Miami vs FSU
USC vs Notre Dame
Auburn vs Bama
Duke vs UNC
Yankees vs Red Sox

The things that make these rivalries great are the traditions involved. Honestly I dont want Michigan to be 3-9 every year until I die. I'd rather them be good, and then we ruin their season.The more they suck then the less it matters.

Look at the USC vs Notre Dame rivalry. I'd rather have it like how it was in the past or at least 2005, then what we've had the past 2 seasons.

When it comes to the uniform I think the simpiler uniforms look better. I think only a few schools can pull off a simple uniform soo classy.

Not sure why my post provoked that but here's my rebuttal. Fuck scUM. I would shit on their grave if they had one. :cheers:
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