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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

The new ones aren't horrible by any stretch, but I still prefer the old sleeve stripe pattern. With just a small bit of sleeve showing in a picture, you could tell it was a Buckeye. Now, the current pattern is pretty generic and you need the entire uniform to recognize a Buckeye.

I'm also curious to see how the road unis look. I too think the gray keeps getting so darn light that it almost looks like white on TV.
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so uh, these jersey's are supposed to prevent jersey tackles right? :p

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We (Piqua) has the same kind of jersey. we have to tuck ours in though. But the jerseys are tight, and hard to hang on to because if someone is pulling on it, and lets go it will go right back to your skin. So you can see that it does work.
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Old Jerseys or New Jerseys

I personally feel like the older jerseys were much much better than the new ones nike came out with. I dont see why all these teams are on a jersey changing spree. I dont like how on the shoulders the jersey comes out underneath the stripe.

Old Jersey


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Thanks, I was getting worried that i was the only one haha. The older ones made the shoulders seem more... fuller i guess. I dont like how they took the helmet stripe and just shoved it on the shoulders....other than that the Jerseys are fine
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Secondary;712806; said:
Thanks, I was getting worried that i was the only one haha. The older ones made the shoulders seem more... fuller i guess. I dont like how they took the helmet stripe and just shoved it on the shoulders....other than that the Jerseys are fine

Eh.. I don't like the pattern design where mesh starts and nylon ends.. There's a small patch just above the back numbers where mesh is yet the numbers are on nylon and the sholders are nylon then the nylon ends at the bottom of the numbers and mesh begins.. It looks like they used scraps to put it together. Plus (I know they're replicas) I bought a twill away Pittman Nike jersey (2XL) and the sleeves are TINY!!! They don't come close to touching my elbow and they are really tight fitting... I don't know but I loved the old stripes plus the way they were put together..
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