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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

TJnTN;1757885; said:
can we slap some buckeye leaves on the helmets? thing i always love about the last game of the season vs scUM is the helmets covered with buckeye leaves.

It would help to break the monotony of it, however with no helmet stripe to buffer the 2 sides of the helmet (they should have a lot of leaves by then) I don't know how good it would look when it came to having decals on the top and everything
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I just did this very quickly to see what it would look like.......with stripes

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jlb1705;1757892; said:
Red... Scarlet... There's very little difference between #FF0000 and #FF2400. Regardless of what one thinks the helmet looks like, when Ohio State wears it, it's scarlet in my book.

Actually, there's a very noticeable difference, just like there's a noticeable difference between crimson and regular red. The red of the throwback helmet is definitely neither #FF0000 or #FF2400 red...more like #AA0000.
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