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Jacksonville State 49, Ole Miss 48, 2OT FINAL

LitlBuck;1762077; said:
I just want to know if Urban had a healthy dinner and a good nights rest after the game and a nutritious breakfast this morning:) The TV announcers were very concerned about him.

Urban just looked sad to me the whole game. He kept looking around the field almost teary-eyed, as if to say: "Teeeeeeeeeeeboooooooooooooooooow!!!"
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DaBears;1761892; said:
Aside from making fun of an SECheat team for losing to an FCS team at home (made even sweeter by the fact that Ole Miss is a chronic and blatant over-signer and a fairly classless program), the 4th and 15 touchdown pass in the 2nd overtime by the Jack State quarterback was beautiful.

Not to mention the fact that good ol' Houston took in another program's problem child and made him the starting QB. Way to go!! Just enhancing the SEC's reputation that they will try to win at all costs. I for one am extremely happy that the Nutt lost this one.....
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