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Is Scheduling a Big Out of Conference Game Worth It?

Yes it's worth it. Had Ohio State not scheduled that game...they'd probably be 4th in the nation (now some may say 3rd...but we'd have 1 loss and so would Penn State...and they'd have the win over us, so I feel more comfortable saying 4th instead of 3rd. We might not even be 4th, because our schedule wouldn't be as strong, and we might look like we really didn't play anybody. So we played the game...and we lost. So we are 6th. Had we won the game...we'd be #2 in the country for sure...with a win like that. So thinking about it. Scheduling that game didn't hurt us. Without it we probably go to the Fiesta Bowl...losing it we still go to the Fiesta Bowl...but had we won we'd be going to the Rose Bowl. So all it did was give us a chance to get to the Rose Bowl, which we didn't take advantage of, but that's the breaks sometimes...we got the breaks in 2002...and this year we didn't.

Now..besides the result of the game...which really didn't hurt us much at all...look at all the positives. National exposure...an exciting game for fans...sparking more interest in the season before it even started. A game like that won't hurt recruiting either. I don't know many recruits that don't want to play in big games like that one.

Go Bucks!
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Except that the computers all use some manner of SOS in their calculations and OSU has been in front of Oregon all year.

Yeah but the computers are only 1/3 of the equation. The pollsters are 2/3. I know Oregon is a bad example, but what about Notre Dame, we have all seen it for 5 weeks and just know the pollsters see it. What if Notre Dame goes to Standford and beats them by 17 in a decent showing.

They are still ahead of us even know we have a better SOS. And we all know if we woulduve played a team like Montana and beat up on them like Oregon did we woulduve of been ranked ahead of Notre Dame with only one win the whole time, so in my eyes they were penalizing us for losing to one of the top 2 teams in the country in a game we would probably win at this point in the season b/c we wouldnt have the same qb problem we had then.

I don't know if this means anything to you guys, can't remember where I saw it, but someone connected to Vegas who knows a bunch of line makers said that We would be favored against everyone in the country right now besides USC who we would be 4 pt. Dogs. We would be favored by 2 against Texas and 7 against PSU.

I know I want to play the best whenever we can, but I hate the fact that we would have a good a shot as anyone to win a playoff, but yet we played probably the toughest schedule in the country and arent going to have a chance, while teams go year in and year out and have weak schedules and get a chance to play in the NC game.

No offense to Texas b/c they tried to make their scheudle as tough as possible by playing us, but who else have they played. No one we wouldnt beat or anyother team in the top 10 wouldnt beat.
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"There used to be a time when everything wasn't about the NC. it was better then."

Still isn't amongst the people who make the decisions...which is why there is no playoff, and won't be. So I agree...schedule the big ones. If you win them, you could have a season for the ages, and if you lose them, it still helps you man-up and kick the crap out of lesser, but not bad, opponents later.
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If you are not going to schedule competitive football games why field a team?

I have to agree with this, period.

Screw the rst of that stuff... I want to know that we're going to have BIG games every year (In addition to Michigan) even if we're not all that good. Everything has to go perfect to win a MNC... but all you've got to do is call Texas or USC to have a great big kick ass college football game...

"94, when we played Notre Dame was huge at the time (and subsequently '95)... even Washington State in '02 was a big time atmosphere game after some disappointing seasons... but yeah, what if we play Michigan on the road.... I think we've got to have at least one kind of transcendant game at home every year... Besides... it gets the kids fired up.:wink2:
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No offense to Texas b/c they tried to make their scheudle as tough as possible by playing us, but who else have they played. No one we wouldnt beat or anyother team in the top 10 wouldnt beat.
none taken. I wholeheartedly agree that our schedule is not as strong as it should be, but the Big XII is a bit down these days. Hopefully, it will spike back up.

As for ooc games, I think that you guys are extraordinarily lucky to have your football program schedule these big time games. I only wish that Texas did this every year. Playing Rice, LouLaugh, North Texas, etc. sucks beyond belief. Hell we have Sam Houston State scheduled next year.

This years game at Ohio State didn't help us too much in the way of the BCS, I think we would still be no. 2 if we went undefeated against the rest of our schedule, just because of the way we smothered most of them. But it did wonders for our program, and for our team's confidence. Few years back we were shelacked by UCLA, and I think that scared us off a bit. Mack made some suspect comments in the past about scheduling toughter opponents, but I think he is beginning to realize the factor that the trip to Columbus had on our fan base and our team. As all of you said before, and as I experienced first hand, the Shoe is intimidating and extremely loud. If Vince is playing at Oklahoma State, and he is losing to them, you know he can tell them, "Hey, if we can come back in the Shoe 'at night', we can come back on these fools."

AS for tOSU's side of this, I can see why it might seem beneficial if you guys only had one loss and had not played the tough ooc game, but believe me, I live on the flip side with the weak sched. and the grass may seem greener, but I would certainly have to disagree. Sure Oklahoma was down this year, but I loved having a game like the one in C-bus before going into that game, and I think the game against Texas was a good warm up before you guys enter the Big Ten sched. But that's just my outside op.
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There used to be a time when everything wasn't about the NC. it was better then.

If you are not going to schedule competitive football games why field a team?

Totally agree. There was a day when beating Michigan and winning a Rose Bowl was everything, but not now. Everyone is so worked up about winning the NC. I am personally satisfied with a Big Ten Championship/Michigan win/BCS bowl win. Whether or not it's the NC is not too important to me. I'm all for scheduling the tough game and I'm glad Tress is as well
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3 points towards hell yes keep playing these type of games!!!

1) In theory it should help the players stay focused in the off season. I know we had some BS this past off season but I think the loss to Texas will be utilized by Tress & co. to motivate the kids for next year's off season, helping the boys through the grueling off season workouts...any edge helps!!!

2) The atmosphere for Texas was electric and it wasn't even "THE GAME"

3) Some how I think it helps build confident in our players,our team, our fans and our State, that we truly are a NATIONAL POWERHOUSE, unlike the Cooper years where I was nervous as hell when we would go to a bowl game and play a Florida school or a quality opponent.
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And holy crap, let's not forget the recruiting advantage either. Put those kids on the sideline at home against #2 Texas at night...then let them go to Texas Tech and stand there on their crappy turf as the fans say "We're going to kick Sam Houston State's ass by 100, and then bring on Indiana State baby!!!"

Where do YOU THINK they'll want to go??? Do they want to play #2 Texas on national TV at 8 pm with both teams undefeated and then have a Big Ten schedule to look forward to, or the Montana School of the Blind Ya-Ya Sisterhood on ESPN A&M at 11 in the morning?
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Auburn started last season ranked 17th and 18th. If they had a marquee game really early in the season (even a conference one like Miami-FSU), they might have climbed faster in the polls. Look at what playing highly ranked and overrated teams did for ND this year.

It's definitely worth the risk of a loss to play the big games.
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As for ooc games, I think that you guys are extraordinarily lucky to have your football program schedule these big time games. I only wish that Texas did this every year. Playing Rice, LouLaugh, North Texas, etc. sucks beyond belief. Hell we have Sam Houston State scheduled next year.

AS for tOSU's side of this, I can see why it might seem beneficial if you guys only had one loss and had not played the tough ooc game, but believe me, I live on the flip side with the weak sched. and the grass may seem greener, but I would certainly have to disagree. Sure Oklahoma was down this year, but I loved having a game like the one in C-bus before going into that game, and I think the game against Texas was a good warm up before you guys enter the Big Ten sched. But that's just my outside op.

You sound exactly like the Texas fan that sat next to me in the 'Shoe watching that great game. I was quite impressed that he was so knowledgeable of our OOC schedule far into the future. He too stated that he wished the AD at Texas had the cojones to schedule the big games like OSU was doing.

FWIW, it is hard for me to even consider the question "Is it worth it to schedule tough OOC games" since it has been my expectation for an OSU team every year. Sitting in the 'Shoe as a young boy and watching UCLA come in and play (and admiring those cheerleaders) and watching FSU come in and then years later being there when ND visited the 'Shoe, man that should be the norm for BIG TIME college football programs.
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Since 2002 I had the calendar marked for this years Texas game. After the game, the focus shifted to going to Austin next year. Having these huge OOC games are not only great for your school, they're great for CFB in general. As a fan, as much as it sucks to lose, I'd rather have my team lay its guts on the field against a great opponent and lose, than to beat Rice 70-7.
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Had we won against Texas, perhaps both teams would have finished with one loss. That might have worked out in our favor.

Texas was a mighty exciting game to anticipate and watch, and with scUM over, it's going to get exciting again very soon... who'd want to miss that???

OilerBuck said:
Out of conference games don't effect your ability to win a Big Ten championship. If you can't win a big one, you don't deserve a national championship to begin with. I don't understand why people are so scared of competition on a high level.

Winners aren't afraid to play winners.
I agree.
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Playing top-notch competition can never hurt, and can only help.

1. It's great for SOS and thus the polls.

2. It's a prestige maintainer, by showing you're not afraid to play anyone, anywhere, anytime.

3. It's fantastic for recruiting. Recruits see that they'll get to play against, while playing for, the best of the best.

Vegas bookies right now would place Ohio state as favorites against all teams except USC (yes, including Texas and Penn State), so you can see that the loss to Texas hurt little. And just think if we had beat Texas and then edged out Penn State...we would be the lock as USC opponent in the title game.

Playing top-name OOC teams is well worth it.
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I'd like to thank everyone.
Even the guy that dinged me. :biggrin:
For the positive, civil, discussion.
Clearly, most believe that the positives out way the negatives, in scheduling big out of conference games!:biggrin:
Great job, gals and guys!
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