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Iona +13.5 vs tOSU at Dayton (ov/un 145.5) Fri 7:15 pm CBS

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there about a 96% chance of the 2 seed beating the 15 seed?

Sounds about right for this game. OSU shouldn't overlook them, but they shouldn't overlook anyone or anything. Given how OSU has been playing for the past ~8 games or so.. I'd say they have a lot going for them. Especially when don't think Iona even played a top-25 team, much less beat them during the year.
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OK, I hate to appear dumb here, but what is a "Gael"? It looks like a yellow leprechaun.

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Looking at the Iona schedule this year reveals the following-

They have one exactly 1 game this year on the road over a team that ended the season with a winning record ( Loyola MD 21-11, 2nd place in the MAAC)

They have two wins in the MAAC conference tourney on a neutral floor over teams that ended the year with winning records (Canisius, 18-13, 4th in the MAAC and Niagara 19-13, 1st in the MAAC)
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sflbuck;2316809; said:
Looking at the Iona schedule this year reveals the following-

They have one exactly 1 game this year on the road over a team that ended the season with a winning record ( Loyola MD 21-11, 2nd place in the MAAC)

They have two wins in the MAAC conference tourney on a neutral floor over teams that ended the year with winning records (Canisius, 18-13, 4th in the MAAC and Niagara 19-13, 1st in the MAAC)

They might be a slightly better version of Walsh. Maybe.
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HorseshoeFetish;2316777; said:
With all due respect this is the second time you've talked about tOSU fans not "showing love" to Iona. The last time I looked at the Iona board we were all fat, dumb, and looking past you guys. I also noticed our team is like ripe fruit, and you guys have someone who can handle craft line to line because your dude is quicker.

Don't forget that Ohio State is nothing but a bunch of cheaters where all games will be negated anyway and out of the top teams Ohio State is one of the weakest.

I personally know anything can happen, and I am sure if Ohio State played Iona 20 to 30 times they would probably lose 1 (which would fit right in with the win percentage of 2 seeds vs. 15 seeds). So it can happen, but it's not likely. Yet it's also not some 1 in a million shot.
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Gaelsfan;2316762; said:
Jones played the entire tournament sick with a fever. Quite frankly the only way for Iona to stay close and even dream of an upset is the play of our frontcourt of Laury, Ridley and Bowman. They have to play smart and stay out of foul trouble and make shots. Our rotation is short with the loss of a 6'9'' center and 6'5'' wing who supplied toughness and another 3 point shooter who played solid defense. If nothing else Iona will come to play and will not be intimidated, what that translates to in the game remains to be seen. According to a couple of OSU posters on our board Iona should not even bother to show up. Like I said hope for a good and injury free game

Look at it this way, you have 4 pages and counting on an OSU board talking about the Iona game.

Disrespect is if we were 4 pages into the Iona game thread talking about how OSU matches up vs the ND/Iowa St winner.
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Jaxbuck;2316927; said:
Look at it this way, you have 4 pages and counting on an OSU board talking about the Iona game.

Disrespect is if we were 4 pages into the Iona game thread talking about how OSU matches up vs the ND/Iowa St winner.

Well said. Iona looks like a team with more talent than most 15 seeds, but never beat anyone worth mentioning and has a couple terrible losses, so their seed is low. Definitely worthy of respect.
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Jaxbuck;2316927; said:
Look at it this way, you have 4 pages and counting on an OSU board talking about the Iona game.

Disrespect is if we were 4 pages into the Iona game thread talking about how OSU matches up vs the ND/Iowa St winner.

Don't want Iowa St, hate teams that just jack up 3s
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