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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

3074326;1446454; said:
It's April 8th. If they play like this through June, I'll be concerned. I know they look bad.. but it's April.

Exactly. At least they're hitting better today though.

I understand why we don't want to sit Hafner quite yet, but Wedge should at least consider dropping him from the cleanup spot. Let him try to work his funk out from the bottom of the lineup, rather than right in the meat of it.
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Pavano just gave up another HR

7-1 now

and then a base hit

he is not even going to last 3 innings (heck he might not even last 2)

great signing Shapiro........

this is a 90 (or more) loss team, say what you want about it being early in the season but this group of pitchers is beyond a joke
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*Make mental note* Drop Pavano from my fantasy team

While it seems like you all are getting worried, this team always starts slow. It's a Wedge trademark.

I'll get worried in May.
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