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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

LitlBuck;1495598; said:
I say bring him up also before he hurts his finger in his career is over like poor Adam Miller:(

Hey Wickman pitched well with 4.5 fingers on his throwing hand. But it's tragic how Adam Miller ended up. Let's hope there's something that can be done to his finger but it doesn't look promising. He had the potential to be a solid 8th/9th inning guy for us.
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:slappy: Shapiro is like a hobo with all this trash digging

Cleveland Indians chatter - cleveland.com

The Indians are interested in lefty Jimmy Gobble, who was just designated for assignment by the White Sox. But it would be on a Class AAA basis. They tried and failed to sign Gobble before to a minor-league deal.

why are you interested in this schlub shapiro? just because hes a lefty? being left handed doesnt matter if you suck

Gobble MLB career totals 435.2 IP 22-23 5.29 ERA 1.49 WHIP

continuing to bring in trash is not going to fix the bullpen, it is just making an already terrible pitching situation even worse
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NFBuck;1496117; said:
Gobble? His name is Gobble?!?!? [censored] it, come on down. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oh, and leave it to a scUMmer to lose to a [censored]ty team from northern Ohio. :slappy:

A former scUM football player nontheless. Richard won Mr. Football and Mr. Baseball in Indiana his senior year of HS. He was a flat out stud but he lost the job to Henne, not sure he ever got meaningful playing time. I think he may have quit to focus on baseball.
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much of a difference?
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Bucky Katt;1479592; said:
When he's good, he's very good. Shut down the Tribe last July with 7-2/3 IP, 5 hits, 1 ER, 8 K. Did the same thing to the Reds last April. 8 IP, 4 H, 1 ER, 10 K.

At the end of June last season, he was 8-4 with a 3.79 ERA.

He then finished the season going 1-8, giving up 45 ER in 56 IP over his last 12 starts (ERA of 7.23 over that stretch). Ended up 9-12 with a 5.01 ERA for the year. He's got great stuff, just needs to use it better.

Also, he pitched 4 no-hitters while attending Ohio Dominican.

And another last night for the Giants.

buckeyemania11;1496749; said:


much of a difference?

"Apes don't read philosphy!"
"Yes, they do, Otto....they just don't understand it."
"Monkeys don't manage baseball teams, mania!"
"Yes, they do, Bucky....they just don't understand it."

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1. there is no doubt in my mind choo catches that fly ball that garko missed.

2. if you want garko's bat in the lineup that badly, then don't by captain strikeout, aka the .195 hitting kelly shoppach.

3. wedge is a jackass.

4. it's nice that cleveland traded franklin gut instead of francisco as gut is hitting .300 with 10 hrs this year and francisco sucks ass. good call there shapiro.

5. the caveat to #4 is that wedge would have ruined gutz regardless because he would only play sporadically and sit long stretches of games for no apparent reason.
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tsteele316;1496861; said:
4. it's nice that cleveland traded franklin gut instead of francisco as gut is hitting .300 with 10 hrs this year and francisco sucks ass. good call there shapiro.

don't think that one is all that bad as Seattle would not have made the trade for Francisco. Seattle needed a CF, not a 4th OF. plus, Gutz' value would be limited somewhat in Cleveland as there is no chance they will move Grady out of CF. then you factor in they already have Choo as a corner OF and LaPorta, Brantley and Weglarz in the pipeline as possibilities for the other corner spot and it's easy to see why they were okay trading Gutz. of course I would rather have Gutz and felt that way at the time but it was not possible. they got a real solid prospect at a position of need (Valbuena) and a RH reliever with a good track record (Smith) so I have no problem with that trade.
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SHocking that Wood actually managed to hang on. Complete waste of $10M...any number of pitchers could be as productive as Wood has been. Maybe they should try him in the rotation, until his arm falls off at least.
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