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Game Thread Illinois 28, Ohio State 21 (final)

Bill Lucas;990195; said:
Sorry, pal. Writing was on the wall. I simply had the ability to read it.

I enjoy the comebacks as well but there needs to be momentum present to come from behind and we had none in the 4th.

I have no idea who you are. As such, please don't call me pal.

Please do not attempt to belittle me with your amazing "ability" to read writing on the wall. Everyone who leaves a game early believes that they have "read the writing on the wall." I have often had the luxury of being among those who saw the wins that these deserters missed due to the misinformation of the writing on the wall.

Be proud of giving up on our team. Go for it. Defend it if you wish.

Just don't fucking call me pal.
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OSUsushichic;990376; said:
Some advice: Don't go reading the blogs and talking heads and then report back here about how much they suck. No one cares. Don't email Mark May or anyone else bitching about their commentary. It does NO GOOD. Be classy Buckeye fans, please.

Now let's beat those weasels up north!
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Cajunbuck;990351; said:

That's exactly right...no competition! You can see why we get no national respect!

Unbelievable! I cannot see how anyone can be optimistic about this loss! Our conference is mired in mediocrity!

Lighten up, Francis.

Fact of the matter is that this team exceeded everyone's expectations this season. That doesn't make this loss, one we absolutely shouldn't have lost at home, any less shitty. Does mean that when put in the proper perspective, this game isn't enough to poo poo the team or the season. Yeah, would have been great to go to another national championship game -- but how many legitimate contenders are undefeated this year? Oh yeah, zero, and that includes the members of the great and powerful SEC. LSU lost a game they were supposed to win too, and haven't looked great in others. What other teams do has no bearing on the value of our wins and loss, but if you're interested in following a sport where one team can dominate week in and week out, college football isn't it. The closest you can come? Ohio State, at least the last couple of years.

I'm frustrated for sure. I felt we flopped in every phase of the game. Coaching, offense, defense, special teams -- I don't think any of our marquee players really demonstrated why they're marquee in this game. But you know, shit happens, and that's what makes college ball the best. Illinois played their hearts out, and deserved the win that they earned.

So I guess we're stuck with a chance to go another BCS bowl game as a top 10 team. I'd have rather played for the trophy again, sure, but the bottom line is this team still exceeded my expectations.

We'll live with the hangover for a couple days. Something tells me if we can watch our team (assuming you're actually an OSU fan at all, lots of SEC trolls here pretending, for whatever pathetic reason) take out this loss on Michigan, at Michigan -- then we'll all have pretty damn big smiles on our faces, and Roses to look forward to.

And, who knows where we'll be with a couple weeks of football left. I'm willing to say almost certainly that we're out of the national title hunt -- but ... who knows?
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were we watching the same game???

OCBucksFan;990349; said:
Good god, did you even read this before you posted it? Look, there's some issues, I see that, but it's all stuff that can be fixed. The Illini are 7-3, they aren't 1-8, they beat the crap out of Wiscy, took scUM to the wire, they are a good team. Zook can coach, not to mention we had to deal with an element that always screws with college quarterbacks, the option quarterback.

However you want to look at it, this was a tough loss, Zook can coach and he's doing a lot of good rebuilding that program. It's not like we were blown off the field, we just didn't adjust defensively in the fourth quarter.

No one is happy with the loss, but as I have said, it is what it is, you can't change it, bitching or crying for people to be fired isn't going to change that. It's Michigan week, focus on that, instead of hanging out here complaining and trashing a team that I have watched religiously through the Cooper years and am still here.

Hey, if you want to give Zook the credit for our shitty loss, be my guest. I never ever called for anyone being fired (this isn't even JT's fault - you can't force passion, energy, and desire).

BTW, I'm a buckeye fan just like you, but I'm calling it like I see it. It was a shitty loss and it couldn't have come at the worst possible time (the Illini???). If we played like that throughout the season, we would have about a 1-10 record.

If you want to continue to be "satisfied" with a conference championship and the silly little rivalry with sCUM, then fine. We will never be nationally respected til we start playing like we expect more (and believe me, OSU is not respected - but we should be...)
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Kiki_Buckeye;990380; said:
Hey, if you want to give Zook the credit for our shitty loss, be my guest. I never ever called for anyone being fired (this isn't even JT's fault - you can't force passion, energy, and desire).

BTW, I'm a buckeye fan just like you, but I'm calling it like I see it. It was a shitty loss and it couldn't have come at the worst possible time (the Illini???). If we played like that throughout the season, we would have about a 1-10 record.

If you want to continue to be "satisfied" with a conference championship and the silly little rivalry with sCUM, then fine. We will never be nationally respected til we start playing like we expect more (and believe me, OSU is not respected - but we should be...)
GTFOH. Read the post above yours. That's a Buckeye fan. I'll tell you the same thing I told that other dude. If your gonna get this butthurt over a loss, then don't watch the "silly little" scUM game or Rose Bowl. Apparently it's beneath you. And don't use "we" when talking about the team...you're not on it.
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You know that your spoiled when people are this upset about losing one game in a year where we were picked 4th in the Big Ten and had just lost a Heisman trophy winner, a 1,200 rusher, 2 first round wide recievers, and an All-American DT. Win next week and we go to the Rose Bowl, and oh yeah we send Henne-Hart-Long out 0-4.

I am not happy about this loss. It gives us a lot of stuff to think about and work on, like how our O and D-lines got physically dominated, most importantly. It sucks to watch your first loss in Ohio Stadium. But, as Oregon said earlier, the sun comes up tomorrow. We still go to, or graduated from, or root for a great university and a great team, with a phenomonal head coach.

Its a loss. Please use a little bit of perspective. No ones life was riding on this, we arent going to suddenly get hit with a natural disaster, and people are gonna talk shit about us win or lose. So go drink your sorrows away tonight, and wake up tomorrow and realize how great it is to be this spoiled.
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Kiki_Buckeye;990380; said:
Hey, if you want to give Zook the credit for our shitty loss, be my guest. I never ever called for anyone being fired (this isn't even JT's fault - you can't force passion, energy, and desire).

You should give Zook a ton of credit for this game outcome and gameplan. He took a young and relatively inconsistent team into the Horseshoe and held the damn ball for nearly fourteen damn minutes in the 4th quater against the #1 team in the nation. If that doesn't earn the head coach and that team some credit, then you need to get your head examined.

BTW, I'm a buckeye fan just like you, but I'm calling it like I see it. It was a shitty loss and it couldn't have come at the worst possible time (the Illini???). If we played like that throughout the season, we would have about a 1-10 record.
tell me when you've wiped your nose and and stopped crying please.....

If you want to continue to be "satisfied" with a conference championship and the silly little rivalry with sCUM, then fine. We will never be nationally respected til we start playing like we expect more (and believe me, OSU is not respected - but we should be...)
LOL!!!! And you're supposedly a Buckeye fan? get the fuck outta here.....

Hey look some Noob is telling everyone what to expect!!! I DON'T bow down to your infinite stupidity....
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Kiki_Buckeye;990380; said:
If you want to continue to be "satisfied" with a conference championship and the silly little rivalry with sCUM, then fine. We will never be nationally respected til we start playing like we expect more (and believe me, OSU is not respected - but we should be...)

If one game is all it takes for people to disrespect us, then I don't care about their opinion. The Florida blowout was a fluke (not the win part, but the blowout part). If they want to hang their opinion on that, then fuck em.
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