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IF Michigan stays putrid, how long will it......

Jaxbuck;1808003; said:
Beat Wisky and it doesn't matter. OSU wasn't dropped from 1 to 9 because of weak competition, they were dropped because they lost.

If you are going with the "best route to a NC" argument then you actually want the B10 as mediocre as possible. Undefeated is the surest route to a BCSNCCG spot, the tamer the conference the better the chances. OSU's name value will buy them the spots in the human polls necessary to overcome a weak SOS as long as they run the table.

As far as the good of the rivalry goes I think people are failing to distinguish between the national perception of the rivalry and the satisfaction borne form being on the winning side of a game vs a team/fanbase you hate.

I concede that a strong scUM team is necessary for a prolonged run as an elite national rivalry but that is a secondary consideration to those of us who don't care what the national perception is. I just hate scUM and their fans, I give a flying [censored] what the rest of the country thinks about it. I want scUM to lose, feel pain and suffer as much as possible. If that hurts the national perception of The Game then so be it.

any way to sticky this paragraph? brought a tear to my eye...bravo jax!!!

[censored] scum!!!!!!!!!!
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One loss seasons with a win over a strong nebraska program on the ccg would go a long way. They also have a rich history of winning against the sec, which will help bolster the reputation if they continue to ascend under Pelini.
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jwinslow;1808022; said:
One loss seasons with a win over a strong nebraska program on the ccg would go a long way.

I agree. I think the Big Ten will start going the way of the SEC--if there is no undefeated Big Ten member, a one-loss Big Ten conference championship game winner will, more likely than not, get the nod in the NCG game.
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jwinslow;1808022; said:
One loss seasons with a win over a strong nebraska program on the ccg would go a long way. They also have a rich history of winning against the sec, which will help bolster the reputation if they continue to ascend under Pelini.

I agree as well...
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Saw31;1808015; said:
Unfortunately, it's the second part of my sentence that matters here.

As it stands, only undefeated seasons will get us into the MNC. Or, 1 loss seasons with an extraordinary amount of help. This is not a problem for the SEC. Undefeated seasons are very rare, for any school. If we were about to go on a stretch with PSU, Iowa and M*ch*g*n all being top 15 teams, we would be sitting beautifully. That's not the case however. We are in a position of needing 2 mid-majors to lose ahead of us. 2 mid-fucking-majors! This is not a concern for the SEC, and it shouldn't have to be for us either. We need the rest of this league to pull their weight...

This is going to get way off track in a hurry but how exactly do you think a stronger conference helps a team that can't beat the one decent team they played?

If the next 3 opponents were top 15 then yes, in theory OSU has a chance to run the table and improve but if they aren't good enough to beat Wisconsin what makes anyone think they'd be good enough to bet 3 ranked teams in a row?

I guess its just a matter of perspective but I don't think OSU is helped by a super strong B10 because I don't think OSU is good enough to roll through a super strong B10 with just 1 loss.

IMO the program has benefited from the FSU late 90's model of sustained success lately, being a semi elite team in a very weak conference and having their big name rival on the seat of their ass.

I'm not saying I'm ok with that but given what it is, I think the best odds of continued BCS Bowl every year level of success are to be found in a continued mediocre B10 with a CCG added for relevancy in the weeks after Thanksgiving.

I'd prefer what you are suggesting, an SEC level conference where 1 loss doesn't end your season but unfortunately I think all that would do is make a 1 loss season the same unicorn to be chased as the undefeated season currently is. Main point still being OSU needs to get better, the rest of the B10 be damned.
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Jaxbuck;1808062; said:
This is going to get way off track in a hurry but how exactly do you think a stronger conference helps a team that can't beat the one decent team they played?

If the next 3 opponents were top 15 then yes, in theory OSU has a chance to run the table and improve but if they aren't good enough to beat Wisconsin what makes anyone think they'd be good enough to bet 3 ranked teams in a row?

I guess its just a matter of perspective but I don't think OSU is helped by a super strong B10 because I don't think OSU is good enough to roll through a super strong B10 with just 1 loss.

IMO the program has benefited from the FSU late 90's model of sustained success lately, being a semi elite team in a very weak conference and having their big name rival on the seat of their ass.

I'm not saying I'm ok with that but given what it is, I think the best odds of continued BCS Bowl every year level of success are to be found in a continued mediocre B10 with a CCG added for relevancy in the weeks after Thanksgiving.

I'd prefer what you are suggesting, an SEC level conference where 1 loss doesn't end your season but unfortunately I think all that would do is make a 1 loss season the same unicorn to be chased as the undefeated season currently is. Main point still being OSU needs to get better, the rest of the B10 be damned.

Interesting. I don't think it's gotten that bad yet. But I certainly see where you're coming from...
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ScottsdaleBucki;1807950; said:
Ha Ha Ha!!! You said it.Wait neither do I. :paranoid:

You've always got the "Hot Cops" :lol:

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Saw31;1808155; said:
Interesting. I don't think it's gotten that bad yet. But I certainly see where you're coming from...

OK, what does Michigan have that other wannabees don't? a 110K stadium, fans who fill the 110K stadium, one of the biggest endowment funds in all of collegedom, i.e. people who put their money where their heart/mouth is, a huge fan base that is willing to watch a November game in a snow storm or travel to East Bufu for a bowl. And a significant number of wins across decades of football -- gee, sound like something Ohio State fans like to brag about? Familiarity DOES seem to breed contempt.

Here's another thought: quick hum a few bars of the Boise State fight song.

"The what?" i hear you say.

OK, make it the TCU, FSU, Miami, BYU, Rutgers Cincinnati, Boston College fight song.

Can we say tradition?
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cincibuck;1808621; said:
Here's another thought: quick hum a few bars of the Boise State fight song.

"The what?" i hear you say.

OK, make it the TCU, FSU, Miami, BYU, Rutgers Cincinnati, Boston College fight song.

Can we say tradition?

True. If not for "Hail to the Victims" I'd have nothing to hum while on the crapper.
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