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IF Michigan stays putrid, how long will it......

"Without Ohio State there is no M*ch*g*n, and without M*ch*g*n, there is no Ohio State."
I understand that the history of Ohio State football is very much defined in terms of The Game, and the lineage with Michigan football. However, what does this mean to you now, and looking forward? If the Buckeyes lose to Michigan, do you justify it by stating: "well, at least the rivalry is intense..."

Ohio State and Michigan are mutually exclusive in my eyes. We are the sole possessor of our program. Dominance is in my mind. If Michigan wants to pull itself back up, they are welcome to try.
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Just throwing my .02 in here.

I don't give a crap about the "national" tag of "greatest college rivalry" because that only means something to the fan bases of the universities involved. I know people who are alumni of other fine institutions that poo-poo that notion of greatest rivalry as they say their rivalry game is more intense, has more meaning, more history, etc. Whatever. It is what it is. I still see it as the greatest, fuck the rest and what they think.

As a person who bleeds scarlet and gray, who was a student there during the Cooper years, I can honestly say that if UM went 0-fer every damn year I would laugh my mother fuckin ass off at those arrogant fucktards. I want the Buckeyes to win every year and take over that record that they beat their chest about. Great, you won a ton in the 1800s, when you were basically fielding professional teams, big fucking deal.

I wish they would have lost to the Illini, and hope that Danny Hope plungers their ass. Fuck Michigan.

And to make GrandpaBoob proud: Fuck fuckity fuck fuck and all that son of a bitchin' shit.

Now, back to your regular programming.
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My view on this matter is very simplistic: I don't give a flying F*** what scUM does before we play them. And when The Game comes about, we kick the ever-loving shit out of them. F scUM in their arrogant asses.

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Here's the deal: an objective observer, say a Gator fan looking in from New Orleans :paranoid:, might opine that rivalries fade in importance if one or both of the teams fails to be relevant. Once upon a time, Illinois was a major rival for OSU. USC-UCLA used to be THE game in the Pac-10. Nebraska-Oklahoma was almost on the same plane as OSU-Michigan. FSU-Miami was a playoff game on the way to the national title, and so on. Thus, to preserve the rivalry, it can be argued that it's vital for Michigan to return to their former status.

However, as a die hard fan, I'm going to root for Michigan lose from now until the end of the Republic, and see no contradiction in that. :biggrin: :oh:
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BrutusBobcat;1807774; said:
Here's the deal: an objective observer, say a Gator fan looking in from New Orleans :paranoid:, might opine that rivalries fade in importance if one or both of the teams fails to be relevant.

Then that observer is a fake Gator fan.
Gatorubet;1802771; said:
Oh......and Woof....


Gatorubet;1804666; said:
That is why I love the Cocktail Party. No limitation of sportsmanship to be had one game a year, and none expected in return. If we led 140-0 with ten seconds left I want to call for a deep fly pattern, kick the extra point and then go for the on-side kick and repeat.


Bad form Urban. You should have had your dick out waiving it at them too.

I hope you pricks never win a Cocktail Party again till I die a death at a ripe old age.
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It's not up to tOSU to make sure tsun gets back to winning. I don't care if tsun loses or wins every game until they face tOSU. It's better for the rivalry you say? Alright, but it doesn't matter how many games they win or lose before THE GAME; I will always hate them and no amount of wins or losses wil diminish that hatred. This rivalry isn't going anywhere, ever. It's bigger than this little spell tsun is having and if you don't understand that then you just don't really understand this rivalry.

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I don't need the perception of the rest of the country to validate how intensely I hate those [censored]ing [censored] eating sons of bitches. I hope all of their engines fail on the way to their bowl game this year, I don't care if they come back on or not just as long as they are in absolute [censored]ing terror for a few moments. If there is a god, I want it to sterilize their entire state and subsequently drop an asteroid made from alien [censored], the size of Rhode Island, right on their [censored]ing stadium. If any of them miraculously do conceive, I hope they are born with their faces on their ass and their ass on their head. When polar bears start migrating south because of global warming, I hope they settle in that god-forsaken state and Wolverine fans become a staple of their diet. Hopefully the polar bears instinctively know to [censored] out the remnants of those [censored]ers on their field.

[censored] Bo. A pack of necrophiliacs could dig him up and have their way with him for all I care.

As LJB said, I'd rather not have a rival at all than ever lose to those [censored]ing [censored]s ever again.

In summation, maybe it won't be a significant rivalry to Jesse Palmer or Jim Bob Higgins in Mobile, Alabama but I will always hate those mother[censored]ing [censored]ers.
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GrandpaBob;1806538; said:
Good post. However, I did NOT come over here to stir the pot. I thought I had a legitimate question since it's NOT much of a rivalry lately. However, most everyone just wants to outdo the other with filthy language and since that's the case, shoot, I'm too old to argue with people with closed minds and hate in their hearts. God bless.

Jaxbuck;1806539; said:

From his profile: GrandpaBob has not made any friends yet

No surprise there.
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I'd still like to see TSUN be undefeated every year and to beat them by a small enough margin that encourages them to come back year after year full of optimism that is crushed by the defeat.

I want The Game to be the biggest rivalry in all of sports and for kids everywhere to grow up wanting to play in it.
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So, to sum this thread up...

Please scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and locate the drop-down box on your left. You should see where it says 'BP_WorkSafe' -- please change this to BP_NightGame, which is my personal preference. All done? Good. Now wait for it...

Wait for it...

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Well, if Grandpa Bob decided to sift through the remaining posts, there actually was some rational debate here. Given this, and previous banter on BP, there seems to be some genuine disagreement among Buckeye fans on one particular issue. On one hand, there are some who think tsun needs to be a good football team or at least be a consistently productive B10 performer to make the rivalry especially relevant. And there are other fans who think the significance of the rivalry cannot be diminished, even if tsun is consistently terrible.

Here's my take, GBob:

1) One of the most important goals in college athletics is to beat your rival.

Coach Tressel understood this when he took the job, and referenced this notion in his oft-quoted inaugural speech, saying, "I can assure you that you will be proud of your young people in the classroom, in the community, and most especially in 310 days in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the football field."

2) tOSU does not need tsun to be great in order to validate Buckeye greatness.

Bowden made FSU a perennial top 5 team without UF being relevant. And when the Gators became a legitimate power and the Seminoles became weak, do you really think Florida fans were disappointed?

There have been many times when Auburn and Alabama have been down at different times. Does anyone honestly think that college football fans in the state of Alabama have ever discounted the outcome of the Iron Bowl?

Ten years ago, did Oklahoma need Nebraska to be consistently good in order to get respectability?

Has Texas has ever relied on the viability of A&M or Tech to substantiate their significance?

Was USC hindered when UCLA was a lower-tier P10 team? (For that matter, USC was also a powerhouse while ND was a doormat.)

3) Embrace the rivalry. Buckeye fans are fortunate to have a clear-cut rival that they can "hate" without reservation.

What does Penn State have? Nothing. MSU? Same. Indiana-Purdue? Spare me. (And Florida? Who are they supposed to hate? They seem to have three different rivals.)

4) Cherish every victory because history does not forget.

Do tsun fans apologize for or discount their dominating wins when Teddy Roosevelt was president? A winning streak against tsun will never be too long.

5) The notion that a villain needs to be strong in order to rationalize meaningful conflict is erroneous.

Assuming you were the religious type, would you actually want satan to be a stronger adversary so you can somehow feel that much better if you happen to overcome temptation? I don't know about all of you, but I want victory every time. Therefore, I assure you, whether it's satan or tsun, I want them both to suck.
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#9 in the BCS after being the #1 team in the country, with little chance to make up the necessary ground. Whether you like it or not, the Big Ten+2 needs it's top teams to be good, period. TOSU needs good competition. You can't go to the BSU thread and cry about their schedule strength and then come over here and argue it doesn't matter if M*ch*g*n is good or not. We need PSU, M*ch*g*n, Nebraska, and hopefully Iowa, MSU and Wiscy to be good. You are judged by the company you keep. Fact of life...
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Saw31;1807995; said:
#9 in the BCS after being the #1 team in the country, with little chance to make up the necessary ground. Whether you like it or not, the Big Ten+2 needs it's top teams to be good, period. TOSU needs good competition. You can't go to the BSU thread and cry about their schedule strength and then come over here and argue it doesn't matter if M*ch*g*n is good or not. We need PSU, M*ch*g*n, Nebraska, and hopefully Iowa, MSU and Wiscy to be good. You are judged by the company you keep. Fact of life...

Beat Wisky and it doesn't matter. OSU wasn't dropped from 1 to 9 because of weak competition, they were dropped because they lost.

If you are going with the "best route to a NC" argument then you actually want the B10 as mediocre as possible. Undefeated is the surest route to a BCSNCCG spot, the tamer the conference the better the chances. OSU's name value will buy them the spots in the human polls necessary to overcome a weak SOS as long as they run the table.

As far as the good of the rivalry goes I think people are failing to distinguish between the national perception of the rivalry and the satisfaction borne form being on the winning side of a game vs a team/fanbase you hate.

I concede that a strong scUM team is necessary for a prolonged run as an elite national rivalry but that is a secondary consideration to those of us who don't care what the national perception is. I just hate scUM and their fans, I give a flying fuck what the rest of the country thinks about it. I want scUM to lose, feel pain and suffer as much as possible. If that hurts the national perception of The Game then so be it.
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Jaxbuck;1808003; said:
Beat Wisky and it doesn't matter. OSU wasn't dropped from 1 to 9 because of weak competition, they were dropped because they lost.

Unfortunately, it's the second part of my sentence that matters here.
"...with little chance to make up the necessary ground."

As it stands, only undefeated seasons will get us into the MNC. Or, 1 loss seasons with an extraordinary amount of help. This is not a problem for the SEC. Undefeated seasons are very rare, for any school. If we were about to go on a stretch with PSU, Iowa and M*ch*g*n all being top 15 teams, we would be sitting beautifully. That's not the case however. We are in a position of needing 2 mid-majors to lose ahead of us. 2 mid-fucking-majors! This is not a concern for the SEC, and it shouldn't have to be for us either. We need the rest of this league to pull their weight...
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