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shit got real around 10:30 or so this morning.
sky looked like night (will upload a pic when I get to a computer).

allegedly winds gusted over 80mph.
rain and hail coming in sideways.
visibility was basically nothing.

last time I saw a storm like that was hurricane Isaac a few years back.

LSU campus got hit hard. lots of down trees, street flooding, etc.
both foul poles at The Box were knocked down.
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took this just after 10am this morning looking west from the door right outside my office.

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Were these tornadoes or just straight line winds? Do they have a name for this? Amazing that regular thunderstorms would do this. The strongest winds I remember up here without it being a tornado was maybe 65 mph. 65 is strong enough, I don't want to see more than that ever. Christ! The weather this year can suck my dick...
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You guys have basements down there? Get below ground if you can. Jesus, that's fucking scary!

nope, no basements.
water table is typically no more than a foot or two below the ground. this time of year with normal high tides plus ton of rain and it's less than that.

Were these tornadoes or just straight line winds? Do they have a name for this? Amazing that regular thunderstorms would do this. The strongest winds I remember up here without it being a tornado was maybe 65 mph. 65 is strong enough, I don't want to see more than that ever. Christ! The weather this year can suck my dick...

there were a couple of unconfirmed reports of funnel clouds, but haven't heard any reports of them touching down anywhere.

storms like this are a rarity this far south. it came from the northwest and typically the warm winds blowing in from the gulf shear these things apart or keep them well north of here.
this time we were basically on the line where cool dry air and warm humid air met. which is always a disaster waiting to happen. and it being warmer and more humid here than the plains only intensified it.
we're fortunate in that the abundance of marsh and trees in the area aren't very conducive to tornados (they need vast flat ground to really form). So while this was a beast of a spring storm, it could have been much worse.
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Not really weather, but around 12:30 this afternoon a 4.0 earthquake, centered just south of Kalamazoo Mich, was felt throughout southern Mich and N.W. Ohio.
No reports of damage, hell I thought it was a large truck rolling down the highway I live on.

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Oldest son graduated in Spring commencement 2004 in the Shoe
It was almost 130 degrees.. pure sun... 65000 in the stands
Procession coming in from both sides went on for hours...
I spent at least $200 on fluids

Found my son with binocs.. two rows of girls in front of him
pealed back their gowns and had bikini's on.. sunning themselves
It was a great day
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