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Ice and snow in Wisconsin? No way right? The fact that you can see a tornado track from 6.5 years ago? Wow.
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A torrent of rain has given way to an Avalanche of it with wicked winds. Riding along with the wife in this madness. The rain is sheeting across the roads like the roads in the background during on site hurricane reporting.

Also dropped 32 degrees in temperature in an hour of driving
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On Tuesday it was 20-something degrees and the first thing I did when I got home from work was shovel the driveway just so I could roll the trash can to the curb.

Tonight it's 66 and I'm sitting in the three season room with all the awning windows rolled out as far as they'll go and listening to the wind chimes. Also cleaned the garage a little today and swept out two weeks worth of salt.
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The only plus for weather here for Christmas is that it's not supposed to be raining on the 25th. Monsoon all this week-end, though.

Especially obnoxious for those of us who actually like snow, given that we set a record for snowfall earlier in December.

(Mother Nature can be a real bitch sometimes.)
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It is a bit warm and humid today for this time of year,r (about 82 right now, prob going up to 85+) with showers likely later today. Tomorrow will be cooler, but still a good chance of afternoon rain. Christmas day is supposed to be perfect, mid 70s, mostly clear skies, light breeze, no real chance of rain.
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It's gonna snow!


And then next week, it's going to be ridiculously cold.


I kinda doubt it'll get to -36 (the all-time low record is -22), but I think the negative teens are definitely a possibility for Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.
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More specifically, I'm ready to get some snow. I snowmobile and ice fish, sometimes combining the two, so warm winters aren't my favorite.

As far as PREPARED, I have a fleet of tractors at my disposal to move snow and plenty of coffee. Bring it on, Mother Nature.
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