Researching the Magic!
I've been throwing around the idea of looking for a new job for quite a while. I currently have a very good job, but the location is really lacking for myself. I've lived here almost all of my life and I wouldn't mind moving to a bigger city where there are more things to do and places to go. Ideally I'd like to move west and be closer to the mountains (Denver, Phoenix, Seattle, Portland, etc). What would my fellow BPers do? Stick with my current employer or make the move?
Personally, if I had the means and my wife were okay with it, I'd probably be out that way by now. I absolutely want to be out close to the Rockies and canyon lands, but our industry is pretty much Orlando and SoCal-based, so those other areas have lower job availability making it less attractive and harder to pull the trigger on it. If you have the opportunity, though, I'd say take it. Can't beat the hiking/nature/eco-tourism options on that half of the country if you're really into that (also photography, my main motivator).