You would think a hiring manager (within the company) would understand the very obvious reason for not putting your company email address on a resume and still send anything about the position to your company email, the same as all the other correspondence from HR about jobs. Especially when you have my company email and I'm in the same freaking department! Nope. Sent an availability request for an interview to my personal email address, which I've not been checking as frequently because I'm expecting that kind of thing in my company email address. To make matters worse, ever since buying the domain name and SmugMug subscription that email has gotten steady borderline spam mail with simple subject lines and personal name headers (i.e. Smith, John: SEO Improvement), so of course the email listing in my inbox is a regular name and simple subject line, which means I glossed over it until tonight when I was going through it to clean things out. Also, no call to set up an interview? Really?
I'm beyond pissed, both at myself and the manager that sent the email.
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it and ranting; why the hell are companies still using the Unknown Name/# thing when calling? It should be really damn trivial to set a generic return # with an appropriate name to appear on caller ID these days. Heck, just have the company name pop up with an unknown #, I just want to know that I'm not answering a spam call.