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How can you guys claim 7 national championships?

borna'horn said:
I'm not saying split national championships don't count. But at the very least you should restrict it to the two major polls. By that count, Ohio State has five and Texas has three. Most reasonable people go by that count. Look at college football data warehouse for example.

Now if you want to redo the tally based on obvious problems with the major polls, you would take away OSU's 1957 title as well as Texas' 1970 title. That leaves OSU with four and Texas with two. In real terms, I would go by that count, but the polls are such a tradition that I don't have a big problem with schools claiming years such as 1957 and 1970 as national championship seasons.

I've been following UT for over twenty years, and I have never been so confident going into a season. Usually you are hoping things break your way, but this year every facet of the football team is experienced, polished, and ready to go. Meanwhile, I look at OSU and see a team that doesn't even know who their QB is going to be. I cannot WAIT for September 10th!!! No better way to jumpstart a national championship season.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
so you're giving us 5 again.....but you really think it should be 4?
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I'm still trying to get tickets. I really can't recall a tougher ticket to get than this particular game.....any ideas?

Bored-by-a-Gay-Horn is having a fricking anxiety attack worrying about his team getting rolled like a wet Burrito..........

7 National Championship according to my School, I think I'll stick to their records not some scared shitless soon to be suicidal Texas homer.
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borna'horn said:
Yeah, I'm really frightened. Having Vince Young on my team gives me no confidence at all. :roll2:
Yeah, heard the same "BS" from a U of Miami fan regarding Willis McGahee and how his speed would make our "D" look slow, he too was confident...... remember how that turned out? Vince Young will be very lucky if he survives his Buckeye experience uninjured......and yes you are scared or you wouldn't keep badgering us over some trivial crap,,,, face it horn-blower your going to get owned in the SHOE.
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Erm, hopefully everyone who takes the field on both sides leave it without injury.

And sure, Vince Young is an outstanding athlete. So are Ted Ginn, Santonio Holmes, A.J. Hawk, Troy Smith, and a dozen others. Neither of these teams are lacking in talent.

One thing you *should* be worried about is Mack's perceived potential to choke in big games. That, and as insane the Shoe is on gameday, night games are positively electric. Maybe that's why we've never lost one at home? Who knows.

Look, I'm not guaranteeing a win. What type of idiot would? What I am saying is that if you're really as confident as you'd like us to believe, then you're setting yourself up for a severe fall. I know you can't appreciate this, given how long it's been since your last title, but speaking from recent experience, I can tell you that it takes more than being the best team on paper to win the national championship. I can speak to that from experience on both sides of that fence. The best team in the country who didn't win the title, and not the best team (on paper) who did.

Finally, you'd do far better to take some of the silly swagger out of your posts around here. For the most part, BP users want to interact with fans from other teams, we don't have just a ton of use for the fools who come in spouting off, and then after they lose are never heard from again. We see it every single year.

Everything you're saying has been said before;

We can't keep up with Miami speed.
We can't handle ALL the talent on the NCSU team.
We can't contain Washington's passing game.
Or Washington State's.

It's always the same posturing.

Here's what we *always* hear after;

I knew you guys were fast, I had no idea you were *that* fast.
We played an off game, had our guys shown up, you would have lost.
Your (insert position group here) are very underrated.
I don't understand why we couldn't contain (insert player name here).
We were outcoached on every level of the game.

Will you and yours be saying these things after? Who knows. Maybe we will be. But under Jim Tressel, we've been the ones hearing it.

So excuse me if I put aside the incredible level of respect I have for Vince Young and his ability for a moment and say that he doesn't worry me. Your talent doesn't worry me. Your confidence certainly doesn't either, I just see that as foolish and naive fan bravado that will be turned into "THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SEASON IS OVER, FIRE MACK BROWN" on your own boards if you do indeed lose.

Any way you look at it, this is going to be an outstanding game. Any way you look at it, both teams will continue forward *with* national title game hopes without regard to who wins or loses -- clearly one with a better chance than the other. Any way you look at it, it's one of a dozen games that will be played. Excuse us if we're not overwhelmed by Texas. They're a damn good football team, and top level talent. Eh, that's us too, and we face teams like that regularly.

After OU shut you guys out last year, and you beat a Michigan team that had already been exposed (by us) to be comically inept at stopping a mobile quarterback -- I can understand why you're starving for success and overcompensating confidence-wise. Just not sure an Ohio State forum is the best place for it.

Feel free to tell us WHY you think we can't handle Vince Young. Or how your lines are superior to ours, and that's why Vince will be given enough time dictate his style of play and effectively take our world-class LBs out of the picture. Or how you believe Ginn will be contained. Give us the nuts and bolts of your reasoning, or don't. But don't bore us with the rest of the garbage.

How many national championships each team has? Who the hell cares? You clearly do, so let's leave it at this. NO MATTER HOW you measure it, we have more. No matter how you measure it, we've had one in the 20 years you've been following Texas, you haven't.

What does any of that have to do with Sept. 10th? Nothing.
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Fine, you can have seven national championships. Hell, why stop there? You can have fifteen. Take as many as you want. And after we beat you in the Shoe and USC in the Rose Bowl, we can find some foundation to call you national champions this year as well. Obviously that is all you guys need to be happy.
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borna'horn said:
Fine, you can have seven national championships. Hell, why stop there? You can have fifteen. Take as many as you want. And after we beat you in the Shoe and USC in the Rose Bowl, we can find some foundation to call you national champions this year as well. Obviously that is all you guys need to be happy.

Nope. I guess that's what you'll never understand about Ohio State football. We just need our guys to take the field to be happy. Or hear our fight song. Or see the uniform. Or talk about it all on these fansites. We draw far more pride from simply BEING Buckeyes than we do from past accomplishments. I understand you can't really appreciate that.

As I said before, different OSU fans measure the number of championships differently. 7 is a standard most subscribe to. Some perceive more, some less. When it's such a subjective issue -- who cares?

Well, lol, you do. You're the one who brought this up. You asked how we can claim 7, and people told you how. When you got the answer, you bristled up and started spewing useless fodder like "after we beat you in the Shoe and USC in the Rose Bowl." You're just digging the same indefensible hole that we see fans from other programs digging every single year. Whether they choose to recognize this or not, it's a byproduct of intimidation. What's funny to me is that I have to tell you, that you don't have to be intimidated. You're a damn good team, and it's going to be a damn good game. Most are going to give us the predictive edge because it's a night game in the Shoe. But who knows how it will go in the end?

Honestly, you smack more of desperation than confidence.
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borna'horn said:
I've been following UT for over twenty years, and I have never been so confident going into a season. Usually you are hoping things break your way, but this year every facet of the football team is experienced, polished, and ready to go. Meanwhile, I look at OSU and see a team that doesn't even know who their QB is going to be. I cannot WAIT for September 10th!!! No better way to jumpstart a national championship season.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
except for your starting RB, who will be replacing an 1,800 yard rusher who owns the sixth highest rushing total in CFB history...

except for your WR crew, which have a combined ZERO TD catches...

except for your MLB, who will be replacing an AA and Butkus winner...

except for your placekicker whom i do not think has even attempted a collegiate FG...

why did i even bother responding...?
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Different sites for different types.

High Lonesome is just the type of Texas fan that fits in brilliantly here with us on BuckeyePlanet. Proud of his team, confident, but grounded in reason and logic. May feel strongly Texas will win this contest, but is willing and able to explain where that confidence comes from (hint: "a feeling" doesn't cut it around here.)

You are, and this isn't a knock, just an observation, a different sort of Texas fan. I'm not assigning 'right' or 'wrong' to the type, just saying 'different'. You're looking for a different type of interaction than you're getting here, and it's not really working out for anyone.

I highly recommend you check out http://www.bucknuts.com. They're a different site, with a different feel. You're much more likely to get what you're looking for over there. We don't really respond well to baseless assertions that can't be backed up over here. Over there, they fly fine most of the time. Not a knock on them at all, it's just a question of deep differences in style. We're looking for animated and knowledgable discussion over here, and we place tremendous value in the insight and perspectives of people from other programs who bring the same. Load the Member List sometime and sort by reputation. One of your own is on the second page. In the first 10 pages (of 186) you'll find people from Texas, USC, Notre Dame, Miami, Michigan, and Washington State. I probably even overlooked some from NC State, San Diego State and Iowa who I know pop in around here and are highly respected.

That speaks for itself. The same way those rubies on your postbit speaks for you.

The great thing about this place is, you can choose to carry yourself differently at any time, and people are likely to embrace a better approach.
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borna'horn said:
Fine, you can have seven national championships. Hell, why stop there? You can have fifteen. Take as many as you want. And after we beat you in the Shoe and USC in the Rose Bowl, we can find some foundation to call you national champions this year as well. Obviously that is all you guys need to be happy.
No thanks. We'll stay at seven until we get one more in January. You guys can claim all the titles you want. It won't help you a bit on the 10th.

I wouldn't request that "UT05NC" license plate just yet. If in the off chance, you escape here with a win, Bob Stoops will be calling shortly. And we all know how that will end up. Again.

And who knows... Maybe we'll be having this same conversation in December preparing for the rematch...

Clarity said:
Different sites for different types.

High Lonesome is just the type of Texas fan that fits in brilliantly here with us on BuckeyePlanet. Proud of his team, confident, but grounded in reason and logic. May feel strongly Texas will win this contest, but is willing and able to explain where that confidence comes from (hint: "a feeling" doesn't cut it around here.)

You are, and this isn't a knock, just an observation, a different sort of Texas fan. I'm not assigning 'right' or 'wrong' to the type, just saying 'different'. You're looking for a different type of interaction than you're getting here, and it's not really working out for anyone.

I highly recommend you check out http://www.bucknuts.com. They're a different site, with a different feel. You're much more likely to get what you're looking for over there. We don't really respond well to baseless assertions that can't be backed up over here. Over there, they fly fine most of the time. Not a knock on them at all, it's just a question of deep differences in style. We're looking for animated and knowledgable discussion over here, and we value in the insight and perspectives of people from other programs who bring the same. Load the Member List sometime and sort by reputation. One of your own is on the second page. In the first 5 pages you'll find people from Texas, Washington State, USC, Miami, and Michigan.

That speaks for itself. The same way those rubies on your postbit speaks for you.

The great thing about this place is, you can choose to carry yourself differently at any time, and people are likely to embrace a better approach.

What he said... ^
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borna'horn said:
And I just looked up 1957 - AP National Champion Auburn went undefeated while you guys had one loss. So that's yet another national championship that shouldn't count!

So I've got you at three legitimate national championships and a 1954 split with UCLA.

You just keep digging yourself a hole...keep going and you'll be speaking Chinese, ya'll. Fuckin' ShanghaiHorn...
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You seriously need to make
your avatar....and post more often.
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Clarity said:
The great thing about this place is, you can choose to carry yourself differently at any time, and people are likely to embrace a better approach.
Agreed. Maybe after his all-expense paid three day hiatus, our little troll will come back as a better human. Not sure why some people do not respond well to polite PMs....oh well.
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