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53" Panasonic
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Man, you guys are rich. How much did your tv's cost?

5 fingers my man, 5 fingers.:wink2:

We have a 36" RCA downstairs. My dad won it, but at the time it retailed for $1000. Right now, you could probably get one for less than $500.

I have a 19" Sharp in my bedroom that is getting old. Makes a high-pitched noise when I turn it on(sometimes). Thats sitting on my desk.

I also have a 20" Sylvania TV/VCR/DVD Combo that I got for Christmas that sits in the corner of my room on a entertainment center.
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Our 'main' TV is a 27" Magnavox HD, though we don't pay for HD programming. It's the biggest set we could fit into our entertainment center and we've been very happy with it. We also have a ~16" in the bedroom and I have a little 14" in the garage w/ rabbit ears. I'm bummed that I won't be able to watch Monday Night FB out there any more. :(
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