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26" Mitsubishi that's almost 20 years old, and still has a great picture.

But the 42" jobs that are now under 2 grand are starting to look tempting.
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52'' rca widescreen hdtv. was only 1k including tax at wal-mart. i got it last year the day of the texas game, but didnt get it hooked up in time :-(
sold my bass & amp + i saved for a while to get it, but worth it! i only wish i had known more about projectors...you guy's set ups are sweet!
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Just bought a 50" Sony rear-project LCD this past weekend. Was thinking about getting the SXRD model, but the $1,750 difference in cost convinced me otherwise (my 36-inch CRT Panasonic I got sale at Circuit City as a floor model 3 or 4 years ago went T.U. last week, so I needed a quick "affordable" replacement).

I'll be able to "suffer" with this one for a couple years until the HDTV technology gets even better.
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This one?
I got that a few months ago.

That would be the one. I got it for $2149 (they knocked the list price down by $150), plus there's no tax for items purchased in military exchanges (saved me about $90 more). The colors are excellent and the sound is decent...the only complaint I have is that there's a little bit of the "screen door" effect (guess you have to expect that with a projection model), and there are some artifacts around the text...I think most of the artifacts are from the source, though. Still, I'm pretty pleased with it for the price. I'll probably upgrade to an SXRD model in a couple years...
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42" Phillips Plasma: Ambient Lighting. Bought this a couple of months ago. Price has dropped about $1,000 but oh well, I've had fun with it.
Got a Bose surrond sound system installed too. I actually appreciate that a little more.
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26" Mitsubishi that's almost 20 years old, and still has a great picture.

But the 42" jobs that are now under 2 grand are starting to look tempting.
Last April we retired our 20-year old 25" Sony and bought a new 46" Toshiba rear projection HDTV for the family room. Modern RPTVs are still fine without HDTV broadcast standards, and they can't be beat at their price point. The picture on my new set is jaw dropping (one year later -- no loss in brightness). I walked out of Best Buy with this set for around $1200. You could probably find the same set today for < $1000.
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