Mediocre resume at best to run an AAU university. If I'm looking for someone to run an aircraft carrier, he'd be great. Those two skill sets are not the same.Time will tell if he's up to the job.
I see a lot of soft skill overlap.
Internal politics to the 9s. A carrier commander spends a significant amount of time gladhanding local and national personalities. They're not raising money as directly as a University President, but they kind of are through local and federal political support, as well as foundations (the carriers named after Presidents usually have a foundation from its namesake' descendants).
Getting disparate elements to function together - sailor side and aviation side see things very differently.
A lot of 'i' dotting (ahem) and 't' crossing. A carrier is smaller than a University, but both are effectively a town unto themselves. With their own culture, police, waste, energy, housing, entertainment / events, mission sets, etc. A University President maybe shouldn't get involved in any or all of those, but they need to be aware of them and how everything fits together.
On the edu side, he had the equivalent role at USNA. Again, a much smaller school but it has Dartmouth/Vanderbilt/Northwestern academics at the 4yr level.
He again held the same role for USN' lesser-known postgrad school.
And from there he went to the recently-ousted-from-AAU Nebraska.
I see natural career progression here.
Maybe more of a Tressel hire (poached from a school outside the BCS/AAU schools) than an Urban homerun or Day succession, but ... yea... he's not unqualified.
All that said, im obviously biased.