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Buckeye Buh Nim;948927; said:
This season is titled Generations so we will probably see more of various family trees and we will probably learn about generations going back.

English Kensai's bloodline probably leads to Claire somehow. Who knows, maybe even Hiros.

That was my thought as well that the English Kensai it a relative to the Petrellis in some matter. As it seems like alot of the heroes are related in some matter as we find out if a hero has a child that most likely that child will have "powers"

And of course that would be how the Petrelli's and Hiro's families link up in the future. I can almost see something like the family/village that Kensai is protecting is Hiro's ancesters (or Hiro hooks up with someone and thus he is the original starting point of his ancesters)

sandgk;949175; said:
Claire: "I don't even know if I can get sick"

Cure for the bleeding eye disease perhaps? Cure for the virus targeting the heroes?

Didn't they mention in the first season she hasn't been sick?

But we know those cures already, bleeding eyes is the twin brother. So he would hold the key to curing it. And the virus targetin the heroes is Muresh's blood. So I am surprised "the company" haven't taken a sample of his blood to produce more of it.

So Claire being able to regenerate kinda explains how Peter survived blowing up.
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Piney;949205; said:
Didn't they mention in the first season she hasn't been sick?

But we know those cures already, bleeding eyes is the twin brother. So he would hold the key to curing it. And the virus targetin the heroes is Muresh's blood. So I am surprised "the company" haven't taken a sample of his blood to produce more of it.

So Claire being able to regenerate kinda explains how Peter survived blowing up.
Not sure about the all-clear on sickness being mentioned in season one.
As for bleeding eyes - brother being the cure. Not so fast! He can reverse the effect, but that isn't the same as a cure perhaps? (As in he has to be there). Whereas, if Claire contracts the bleeding eye disease and survives, perhaps she will have super antibodies with which to combat that disease. That could form the basis for a more certain cure of that disease, and for that matter she may be the best chance for curing the unrelated (?) virus Suresh presently can cure.
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After watching tonights episode, pretty sure the guy coming after Peter and Nathan's mom and the one that killed Hiro's father is Tazezo Kinsei. I think he is somehow like the master hero or anti-hero. I guess we will see.

The parts with Sylar was pretty cool, it'll be interesting to see where he goes from here, along with the path that Peter takes. Love the way this season is shaping up so far. Was really surprised about the painting that Mohinder found.
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The CGI tonight was pretty bad, I was shocked. It's been absolutely fantastic especially for a TV show, but this one. I kinda hope Claire's dad doesn't die though and it looks like she might have a part in it.
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Now I have all the more reason to hate Sylar. (killing Candice and taking away the hot illusion that she was)

Serves him right to lose his powers...what a dumb-ass! Let the hot illusionist pamper your every whim while you heal, dip shit!! That should have been an entire episode in itself. :biggrin:


I get the feeling that the Irish Chick has her own powers.

I also think English Kensei is taking some kind of revenge on the future heroes. Maybe the Japanese Princess actually ends up falling in love with Hiro (after finding out he's really the one with the "pure" heart / higher morals) and Kensei becomes bitter & jealous. Whatever the reason may be, I think it's looking very much like Hiro and Kensei end up in a monumental battle at some point in this Season (possible Finale?)

P.P.S. (a few spoiler items I read...don't read if you don't want to know ...it could just be speculation, but I tend to believe it)

I didn't notice it (well, I noticed that the camera zoomed in on the license plate of the 'escape vehicle' of Alejandro & Maya's jail-break buddy, but I didn't make anything of it at the time), but on one of the Heroes message boards someone pointed out that the jail kid's car was actually Claire's stolen car. Hmmm, I wonder what direction this takes...although I heard that in the next episode the 3 escapees find Sylar face down in a desert, and the car thief gets whacked by Sylar behind a gas station.

I also read that Matt asks Molly to locate her nightmare boogyman, but since he can see her when she looks for him, he finds them and attacks Molly.

Matt and possibly Nathan go after the Boogy Man without success.

The Company pairs Suresh and Nikki for an assignment. (I'm dying to know what Bob wants Nikki to do)

Mrs. Patrelli appearantly reveals a lot about her own powers, her past transgretions, and her possible involvement in the murders in this next episode.
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scooter1369;953914; said:

Open the fucking box.



:slappy: Agreed, although, the Irish chick is hot, so that's cool.

Yeah, I agree with others here, she definitely has something she is hiding as far as some kind of ability. The tattoo that disappeared of the Kinsei symbol kinda gave that away I think. :wink2:
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Padraig;953933; said:
I get the feeling that the Irish Chick has her own powers.

I also think English Kensei is taking some kind of revenge on the future heroes. Maybe the Japanese Princess actually ends up falling in love with Hiro (after finding out he's really the one with the "pure" heart / higher morals) and Kensei becomes bitter & jealous. Whatever the reason may be, I think it's looking very much like Hiro and Kensei end up in a monumental battle at some point in this Season (possible Finale?)

P.P.S. (a few spoiler items I read...don't read if you don't want to know ...it could just be speculation, but I tend to believe it)

I didn't notice it (well, I noticed that the camera zoomed in on the license plate of the 'escape vehicle' of Alejandro & Maya's jail-break buddy, but I didn't make anything of it at the time), but on one of the Heroes message boards someone pointed out that the jail kid's car was actually Claire's stolen car. Hmmm, I wonder what direction this takes...although I heard that in the next episode the 3 escapees find Sylar face down in a desert, and the car thief gets whacked by Sylar behind a gas station.

I assume the Irish girl has powers, but I also think that would be lame.

My thought is english Kensai is related to Claire and Sylar somehow.

I thought that was Claires car too.

So how many Star Trek bridges can we have. Sulu, Uhura, Malcolm McDowell (kills Kirk in the one movie) and you have Sylar playing Spock in the new movie.

I think that flyboy isn't a good guy. He is after Claire maybe on the company's behalf. I like the thought that Bob is mr. boogeyman. He seems creepy enough.
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Big Papa;954082; said:
:slappy: Agreed, although, the Irish chick is hot, so that's cool.

Yeah, maybe if he starts getting some he will stop being so damned whiney, sheesh, give a guy all the powers in the world and he still whines.

Yeah, I agree with others here, she definitely has something she is hiding as far as some kind of ability. The tattoo that disappeared of the Kinsei symbol kinda gave that away I think. :wink2:

We'll see, seems like in this show there's a hero in every group. I do wish Peter would just open the box, but then again the real story line doesn't seem to be going anywhere yet, so if it wasn't for Peter and Hiro I think the show would be pretty damned boring.
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OCBucksFan;954990; said:
if it wasn't for Peter and Hiro I think the show would be pretty damned boring.

A high school cheerleader lopping off body parts and watching them grow back doesn't turn you on? ...tough crowd... man, what's your wife have to do to get a rise out of you? :tongue2:

Hang tuff...I hear the next 'Hero' (the young chick from New Orleans) has the power to perfectly replicate any move / motion after seeing it done only once. Sounds kinky.

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How corny was that scene of Claire and that boy flying around the city? I was cracking up. :lol:

I also had a good laugh when they escaped from a "Somewhere in Mexico" jail and drive away in the new Nissan Rogue. Of course it is Claire's car, I believe there was a high school logo on the back window.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;955302; said:
How corny was that scene of Claire and that boy flying around the city? I was cracking up. :lol:

I also had a good laugh when they escaped from a "Somewhere in Mexico" jail and drive away in the new Nissan Rogue. Of course it is Claire's car, I believe there was a high school logo on the back window.

Product placement at its best.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;955302; said:
How corny was that scene of Claire and that boy flying around the city? I was cracking up. :lol:

I also had a good laugh when they escaped from a "Somewhere in Mexico" jail and drive away in the new Nissan Rogue. Of course it is Claire's car, I believe there was a high school logo on the back window.

IIRC, it was Conquistadors.
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