I didn't get to watch this past episode :(. I'll have to catch the rerun before next week, or watch it on my computer when they get the episode on line.
But here are a few speculations / theories / spoilers I've found in some chat rooms: Could be complete BS, but if you don't want to risk it, don't read on.

From what I've been reading, some people believe that Mrs. Petrelli is behind the murder of Hiro's father and possibly others (hired / ordered the hit) but that Claude (invisible Man) was the one trying to kill Mrs. P.
Also rumor has it that Bob (Midas / Gold Finger Company man) is the scary, evil guy in Molly's dreams, and he also turns out to be Matt's father.
Sylar was rescued by Candice (hot illusionist / shape shifter) but being a complete ass, Sylar kills her to get her powers, only to discover he's starting to lose all the ones he had accumulated.
Nikki / Jessica goes back to work for The Company (don't know if she's bad again, or if she's trying to bring them down with Bennet & Suresh.
Anyway, I don't know if any of this is true, or even if any of it was touched on in Lizards (episode II). I guess I need to watch it asap.
Can't wait 'till Monday!

(stupid, crappy Monday Night Bengals tickets made me miss something truly entertaining
