Herbie is a huge Bengal fan, but that hasn't stopped him from criticizing them when they deserved it - which has been often. Obviously, I'm not equating Ohio State with the Bengals in terms of success, but you get the idea. His comments about the Buckeye offense are completely within the realm of reasonable discourse. We do the same thing with this forum all the time. Herbie was correct to point out that an offense like this has the potential to hurt recruiting. Kudos to Geiger in his overall handling of the Clarett problem, but he's being thin-skinned re Herbstreit.
Another analogy: SEINFELD may be my favorite TV show, but that doesn't change the fact that the last season blew, IMO.
Another analogy: SEINFELD may be my favorite TV show, but that doesn't change the fact that the last season blew, IMO.