I wouldn't be thrilled if I had a son and he was a HUGE BRONY like bgrad is, but I'd feel better as the parent of a kid that chooses to be his or herself despite kids acting shitty towards them than as the parent of the shitty kids that pick on a kid for being different.9 year old boy into My Little Pony just doesn't equal 9 year old girl into Star Wars/Transformers/GI Joe or anything else.
A boy into a "girlie" thing like that has gone beyond social more and is approaching the "taboo" stop on the socialization train. He's going to catch hell from his peers and there isn't any way for a school to stop it completely.
I am in total agreement about teaching a kid to be true to themselves and that sometimes consequences are involved. I don't think a reasonable adult allows their child to get to the "taboo" stop on the train line.
I mean why not just send the poor little bastard to school wearing a dress?