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Greg Schiano (HC Rutgers Scarlet Knights)

That's fine that you were in law-enforcement, but that's not the situation here so to expect anything remotely similar that is just completely unreasonable and illogical. Again there was never any mention of the people in question being involved in a case that is closed and shut. To begin asking questions randomly about that situation when that's not even remotely on your mind isn't something that would happen. This is just a total nonissue. Know if it turns out that Schiano did know about the evil and this is found to be factual, well the. You remove him. But don't go around expecting coaches to ask about this About a guy never mentioned in connection to it. That's unreasonable.

I was not expecting anyone here, hence I did not call anyone out about their opinion in what UM should or should not do as this is my opinion and belief. If you feel that I called you out, then show me my statement and I will apologize. I did not ask you to change your opinion, you asked me to concede mine.

When you are the head coach at TOSU and about to hire someone who has a very close relationship in the matter of national attention and outcry, yes you do have higher expectations. This is a characteristic of a great leader. It should not be "not remotely on his mind". As I have learned from good leaders, initiative is acting boldly with integrity.
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As far as McQueary goes, I tend to believe him. Only reasonable reason for lying about it under oath would be an attempt to rehabilitate his own reputation by saying all the coaches knew about it too and did nothing.

I will say that Sciano does have the option of a slander lawsuit against McQ.
I don't think McQueary is lying. What I'm not so sure about is his veracity of his memory. He, if I'm not mistaken, also said some other coach saw or said something but that coach was not at PSU at the time, rather being on staff at Virginia. Likewise, it strikes me odd that GS would got to TB to discuss anything about JS. TB was NOT the DC at the time, JS was. TB was just another assistant coach with no particular throw. Being that JS was the subject, it seems to me GS would have gone to Pedterno, not TB. I say this because it makes me wonder if McQueary has his people mixed up, thinking the TB was the DC during the relevant time frame.

All that said, I don't think McQueary is lying per se. And like Jax said yesterday, on a personal level, I have a hard time believing that no one knew of this for the decades it was occurring.... until the Ginger stumbled upon it. There had to have been at least rumors, I think. Especially as it comes out more and more that this stuff, ie showering, seemed to be pretty common place....
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The source declined comment on the nature of what investigators learned in interviews with Bradley and Schiano – none of which has ever been disclosed publicly to date and which may be part of the case file that's still restricted by grand jury secrecy rules.

As far as McQueary goes, I tend to believe him. Only reasonable reason for lying about it under oath would be an attempt to rehabilitate his own reputation by saying all the coaches knew about it too and did nothing.

But, we've heard a version of this, haven't we? Seems like many people who were familiar with the area have said Sandusky's creepy side was an open secret, that he was the subject of gossip all around Happy Valley. So, it's hard for me to believe that the other coaches who spent so much time around him never picked up on anything weird.

Anyway, sure would like to see the transcript of those interviews. That I know of, it's the first time any mention has been made that they existed.
Just wondering, too--the deposition was taken in August of last year. If it had been public then, would Schiano still have been hired?
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I don't think McQueary is lying. What I'm not so sure about is his veracity of his memory. He, if I'm not mistaken, also said some other coach saw or said something but that coach was not at PSU at the time, rather being on staff at Virginia. Likewise, it strikes me odd that GS would got to TB to discuss anything about JS. TB was NOT the DC at the time, JS was. TB was just another assistant coach with no particular throw. Being that JS was the subject, it seems to me GS would have gone to Pedterno, not TB. I say this because it makes me wonder if McQueary has his people mixed up, thinking the TB was the DC during the relevant time frame.

All that said, I don't think McQueary is lying per se. And like Jax said yesterday, on a personal level, I have a hard time believing that no one knew of this for the decades it was occurring.... until the Ginger stumbled upon it. There had to have been at least rumors, I think. Especially as it comes out more and more that this stuff, ie showering, seemed to be pretty common place....

I think it would make sense that he'd go to a fellow coach. He probably had sensed the power dynamics at PSU and realized that Paterno might destroy him professionally and personally for being the messenger of that particular news. Makes sense that he'd seek out the counsel of a peer. My guess is TB, who I believe had been on staff longer, probably told him to forget about it for his own good.
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Lostlassie - Again, like the situation I mentioned before with a co-worker - if I am not sure what I am seeing or saw somethimg that could be weird, I can't call him out. It may be creepy and I would have more suspicious of him. If that situation involves other people, especially young men/children that are input into their care, then the situation escalates. I would definitely talk to the next level up.

That article also confirmed my thinking that the investigators did talk to them as they should. May be the answers were satisfactory for not having to have them testify.
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I think it would make sense that he'd go to a fellow coach. He probably had sensed the power dynamics at PSU and realized that Paterno might destroy him professionally and personally for being the messenger of that particular news. Makes sense that he'd seek out the counsel of a peer. My guess is TB, who I believe had been on staff longer, probably told him to forget about it for his own good.
Seems reasonable as well.

We'll probably never know. But, it does seem to be even more evidence that the evil old bastard had WAY too much power in that place.... WAY too much influence. May he rot in hell.
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I was not expecting anyone here, hence I did not call anyone out about their opinion in what UM should or should not do as this is my opinion and belief. If you feel that I called you out, then show me my statement and I will apologize. I did not ask you to change your opinion, you asked me to concede mine.

When you are the head coach at TOSU and about to hire someone who has a very close relationship in the matter of national attention and outcry, yes you do have higher expectations. This is a characteristic of a great leader. It should not be "not remotely on his mind". As I have learned from good leaders, initiative is acting boldly with integrity.
Bottom line, your expectation is unreasonable. You are welcome to your opinion, and perhaps Meyer did actually ask, although we all know that would have been useless, but to expect an ask on this is unreasonable. You'd have a better chance of convincing people that he should have asked Johnson since at the time he was hired, the situation was still under review. But not Schiano. Good luck with such a expectations.

Meanwhile, considering we have one person recalling one thing and both other parties recalling something different, this is damn near impossible to vet unless there are some emails somewhere that confirm what people knew.
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I think it's going to be very hard for anyone who was on staff with Jerry to ever get another job. This might be a line that even the SEC pauses at.

With regards to Lassie's post above, it does suck. We're in this limbo where there's nothing concrete enough that we risk a nasty defamain suit if we [Mark May] can him, but there's enough out in the public to taint the University for doing nothing. Worst possible scenario.

As far as McQueary goes, I tend to believe him. Only reasonable reason for lying about it under oath would be an attempt to rehabilitate his own reputation by saying all the coaches knew about it too and did nothing.

I will say that Sciano does have the option of a slander lawsuit against McQ.

I just don;t see what McQueary has to gain by saying this even if he isn't lying. The well he did it too excuse doesn't work with mom let alone in a court of law so I'm not sure what mentioning it does for him other then possibly have him end up with a slander case in his lap as well.
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But, we've heard a version of this, haven't we? Seems like many people who were familiar with the area have said Sandusky's creepy side was an open secret, that he was the subject of gossip all around Happy Valley. So, it's hard for me to believe that the other coaches who spent so much time around him never picked up on anything weird.

Anyway, sure would like to see the transcript of those interviews. That I know of, it's the first time any mention has been made that they existed.
Just wondering, too--the deposition was taken in August of last year. If it had been public then, would Schiano still have been hired?

This. There is no doubt in my mind he knew because everyone that had anything to do with Penn State knew. People I talked to all said the same thing about how weird and creepy Sandusky was and they had nothing to do with the football program. They talked about him even before this story became big.
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Urban's full comment (in response to reporters asking him about it while playing in the pro-am today):

Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer today said he is standing behind Buckeyes defensive coordinator Greg Schiano.

A day after Schiano denied a second-hand allegation featured in newly unsealed court documents that he witnessed former Penn State assistant Jerry Sandusky sexually abuse a boy, Meyer said, “There’s no issue as far as I am concerned.”

“I first heard about it several months ago and we had a long talk,” Meyer said after playing in the Marathon Classic Buckeye Broadband Pro-Am at Highland Meadows Golf Club. ”I've known greg for 20-some years. I have as much respect for Greg Schiano as I do any person — not just any coach, any person. We had the chat and he told me everything that happened. He stands by his statement and we stand by his statement.”
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I'm trying to wrap my head around this and be fair and honest and not go all BWI. I honestly don't care if Schiano coaches a down at Ohio State, the program will be fine either way. But I don't see how this is a big problem given the facts we have now. Comparing and contrasting:

McQ says he told Joe he saw Jerry doing something in the shower. Joe confirmed that yes, McQ told him that he saw Jerry doing something of a sexual nature with a boy in the shower. Joe then told Schulz or Curley or whomever sometime later (as to not ruin their weekends) and, at best, never followed up with it or mentioned it to anyone else in authority.

McQ says that Bradley told him (McQ) 20 years ago that Schiano told him (Bradley) that he (Schiano) saw something. Bradley and Schiano both deny this.

If some corroborating evidence comes to light that Schiano did see something and not report it, then fire his ass as soon as that evidence comes out. In the meantime, I don't see any necessary action from Ohio State.
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