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General Recruiting Discussion and Tangents (Merged)

Carver-Columbus football coach bans UGA recruiters

Carver-Columbus football coach bans UGA recruiters | AJC College Sports Recruiting

The coach of Columbus' Carver High has "banned" Georgia's coaches from recruiting players at the school.

As first reported by former AJC staffers Todd Holcomb and Chip Saye in the e-mail newsletterGeorgia High School Football Daily, Carver coach Dell McGee is upset because he says the Bulldogs withdrew a scholarship offer to quarterback Devin Burns while Burns was on the UGA campus this past Saturday night. What made it worse was, according to McGee, Burns had come with his entire family with the plan of committing that very day to Georgia coach Mark Richt.

"To protect our kids and my program, Georgia won't be welcome on my campus," McGee, a former Auburn player, told the GHSFD. "They're not going to recruit anybody."

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Not that I know the whole story, but this happens unfortunately...seems a bit drastic that the coach would ban Georgia from recruiting his school. I could understand Pahokee when Rural Kiffin said nobody their had enough money to wear shoes or a shirt because that is a cheap shot to an entire community...this is just business. Hopefully it all gets worked out because I do feel bad for the kid and it's really unfortunate.
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Committed players still plenty of love
Thursday, December 10, 2009
By Ken Gordon

For college coaches, this is the time of year for romancing recruits.

Earlier this week, Ohio State coach Jim Tressel and his assistants were on the road each day, during the annual "contact period" - when coaches are allowed to make in-home visits. The period began Nov. 29 and continues through Dec. 19.

Much time is spent wooing and courting uncommitted players, of course. That's what draws most of the media attention among media and fans.

But coaches do not ignore those to whom they already are engaged. They can't afford to take anything for granted and risk another school's staff coming along and whispering sweet nothings into their prospect's ear.

So included in the OSU coaching staff's grand tour recently were stops into the schools and/or homes of all 13 players committed to their 2010 class.

"We will see them every week, all three weeks," OSU recruiting coordinator John Peterson said. "You're always re-affirming."

There is good reason for this due diligence. Every year, players change their minds, or "de-commit."

It's not a new phenomenon, but with increased coverage of recruiting, when a player changes his mind it's now a much bigger deal and could cause more damage.

"A kid who comes out and says, 'I'm de-committing from this school and I'm going to another school because it's a better academic institution,' yeah, that looks bad," said Jeremy Crabtree, national recruiting editor for Rivals.com.

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With the commitment of Reed, it looks like we're seeing a pattern of taking QBs who play defense in high school to try to cover(2 positions) the recruiting of QB and safety? This has been a failure so far, but seems to still be the thought in recruiting by this staff. (It looks like OJ will be the lone exception so far.)
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Some interesting developments:

Lache Seastrunk (Rivals and Scout 5-star RB) has committed to Oregon.

Florida has dropped Demar Dorsey (Rivals and Scout 4-star safety).

Jackson Jeffcoat, widely regarded as the nation's top DE if not the nation's top player, is down to Oklahoma, Texas and [get this] Houston. Get 'em Cougs!

Purdue picked a verbal from a DT (Bruce Gaston, Jr.) that I thought OSU was going to take a look at early in the process. Gaston's recruitment was not all that dissimilar from Hankins. Gaston (Rivals and Scout 3-star) ended the process after considering offers from the likes of Illinois, Indiana, Notre Dame, Boston College, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan State, Iowa, Penn State and Virginia.

A school that is quietly putting together a nice class is Marshall. What's interesting is that they have hit Virginia and Florida hard...and only have one in-state player committed as well as only one player from Ohio (Gahanna DE Darien Moody.

The barrage of late ND offers continues...the latest target is Hawaii DE Kona Schwenke (Scout 4-star and Rivals 3-star
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wadc45;1651164; said:
Some interesting developments:

Lache Seastrunk (Rivals and Scout 5-star RB) has committed to Oregon.

Florida has dropped Demar Dorsey (Rivals and Scout 4-star safety).

Jackson Jeffcoat, widely regarded as the nation's top DE if not the nation's top player, is down to Oklahoma, Texas and [get this] Houston. Get 'em Cougs!

Purdue picked a verbal from a DT (Bruce Gaston, Jr.) that I thought OSU was going to take a look at early in the process. Gaston's recruitment was not all that dissimilar from Hankins. Gaston (Rivals and Scout 3-star) ended the process after considering offers from the likes of Illinois, Indiana, Notre Dame, Boston College, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan State, Iowa, Penn State and Virginia.

A school that is quietly putting together a nice class is Marshall. What's interesting is that they have hit Virginia and Florida hard...and only have one in-state player committed as well as only one player from Ohio (Gahanna DE Darien Moody.

The barrage of late ND offers continues...the latest target is Hawaii DE Kona Schwenke (Scout 4-star and Rivals 3-star

I wonder if this bodes well for us in the sense that perhaps they do not believe that some of the folks we're competing for aren't coming their way.
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HotMic;1651177; said:
Anything more on this?

cjs100 posted this article in the Henderson thread. Forgive me if this is old information.


Florida Gators fans were seeing red this past weekend, when Dorsey, a committed Gator, took an official recruiting visit to hated rival Florida State. Losing a recruit is one thing. Losing him to Florida State? Cause for lifetime vilification by Orange and Blue Nation.

Wednesday Dorsey told the Sentinel's Gators beat writer Jeremy Fowler he was still a Gators' commit, but he enjoyed his Tallahassee visit.

Wednesday afternoon, reports started trickling in that the Gators were no longer pursuing Dorsey and he had either decommitted or had his scholarship offer pulled back.

So he?s going to Florida State then, right? C?mon now, it's not that easy. Dorsey visits Southern Cal this weekend. There?s still plenty of time for a couple of commitments and a decommit.
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HotMic;1651177; said:
Anything more on this?

He visited FSU last weekend and is visiting USC this weekend...he says he is still committed but it sounds like the UF staff basically told him to go pound salt. He told the Rivals site he was still looking at UF, FSU, Southern Cal, Michigan and Tennessee but GatorCountry had this update:

ESPNU 150 safety Demar Dorsey of Boyd Anderson (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.) is no longer being sought by the Gators and no longer considered a commitment.

The 6-foot-1, 180-pound Dorsey, considered the No. 2 safety prospect in the Class of 2010, has long been pledged to the Gators, but still looking at other programs.

He has recently expressed interest in Florida State, Southern California, Michigan and Tennessee.

Dorsey visited the Seminoles, Wolverines and Vols, and has scheduled an official visit with the Trojans. He was interested in USC under Pete Carroll and recruited by the current staff when it was at Tennessee.

Hodgepodge said:
I believe his father is the DL coach at Houston.

Makes sense...I just assumed he was showing some local love...kind of like Sharrif Floyd did with Temple.
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Let me make sure I understand this correctly, Florida can continue to recruit players that have committed to another school, bring them in for a visit, but as soon as a player that has committed to Florida visits another school Florida is done with him. I wonder if Urban saw this playing out in a dream and didn't like the outcome so he made the first move to make it seem Florida didn't actually want the kid.
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