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Gene Smith (Former AD, ‘10 AD of the Year, '13 NAAC Organizational Leadership Award)

I'm sure we'll get a new thread once the AD is named, but in terms of the 3 sports I follow closest:

1. We're a football school and we don't even need to discuss that. Day is staying this year and is doing great so far in the offseason. It's no mystery if he loses to TCUN at home next year he is packing his bags, literally do or die there and pretty straightforward imo. If he were to lose that game and keep his job, a literal insurrection at every level will occur. That said, Day is making the right moves and dear lord I want him to get it done next year.

2. Basketball is a no brainer, CH should be fired tonight. If Gene doesn't do it, new AD needs to prioritize that and find a good replacement asap.

3. Wrestling really just needs the same support Gene was giving them. I will Gene credit for his work with Tom Ryan and all the help he gave to them. As long as we have our current staff, we're set there.

I realize there's a ton of other programs at OSU, but those are the 3 I can speak halfway intelligently on. My take is the new AD will inherit a pretty great athletic department, but some tough decisions may be there early on (CH in basketball, possibly Day come end of November).
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Don't like it... this is gonna be bad for us if its him....

Ole Miss and Texas A&M continued to be the football programs they’ve always been while he was their AD, and that was somehow his fault specifically.

Meanwhile, the factors that caused him to “fail” upwards, which seem to be being good to great at every other part of being an AD other than miraculously fixing the sleazy culture and failing football programs at desperate also-ran southern schools, can be ignored.
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My priorities for him:

1. Football: Day seems to be taking this off-season very seriously, so that's a positive. Players who could go to the NFL are staying with a chip on their shoulder. Everything is lining up for next season. At the end of the day, Day's on the hot seat and if he doesn't beat tcun, make it to the B10 championship game AND win at least one cfp game then he's gone.

2. Basketball: Fire Holtman

3. Hockey: Work with President Carter and get new arenas built for BOTH men's and women's hockey (I have a feeling Carter isn't going to let him go GS on the hockey programs). Lock down the Muzzinator for life.

4. Rest of the sports. Don't lose sight of the amazing overall AD program that's been built up since the 90s. We're We have national championship contending programs in wrestling, tennis, fencing, men's lacrosse, women's rowing, men's volleyball, both hockey teams, and I'm probably missing a few more. Keep them at this level and build up more where possible (not holding out hope for baseball, track and golf). In particular, figure out why we suck in Fall sports not named football. We've dominated Winter, are very competitive in Spring, yet this past Fall, we were 51st in points. Unfuck that.
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I don’t have the greatest feeling about this hire, but I read this quote from Bjork and he seems like an aggressive type in what is becoming a more aggressive college ball landscape.

I’m not guaranteeing this is a great hire—who knows how it will turn out.

But I do know that if Ohio State went with one of the long rumored favorites, people would be bitching that they weren’t aggressive enough and the status quo isn’t good enough in the new NIL era.
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I don’t have the greatest feeling about this hire, but I read this quote from Bjork and he seems like an aggressive type in what is becoming a more aggressive college ball landscape.

I didn't mean to imply he was like Gene in personality or NIL.

Just he's not the superstar AD expected to make all the right hires. He sounds like his expertise. Is Fundraising like Gee and generally running an ORG like Gene. Vs a Guru type
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I didn't mean to imply he was like Gene in personality or NIL.

Just he's not the superstar AD expected to make all the right hires. He sounds like his expertise. Is Fundraising like Gee and generally running an ORG like Gene. Vs a Guru type

Fair. I’m 100% ok if he just becomes an aggressive fundraiser that can continually beef up The Foundation and 1870 Society while letting Day run his show. Besides, his first order of business should be looking for a few basketball coaches.
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So talked to my aggy friend about Bjork

he didnt hire jimbo, but tell the people in charge he did
scott woodward did the hiring and then left
this guy just came in and reaped the rewards
this guy did hire all our other coaches and has done a great job with that
this guy did give the extension after the 9-1 season that ended with us at #5

so outside the extension given after the covid year...I guess I mighta been a little too harsh?
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So talked to my aggy friend about Bjork

so outside the extension given after the covid year...I guess I mighta been a little too harsh?
Woodard didn't hire jimbo either. That was all their boosters. So I'd ignore jimbo.

He wanted to Hire stoops and apparently the boosters revolted and forced Elko. I think they'd be same with either but depending on how you feel about that.
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I don’t have the greatest feeling about this hire, but I read this quote from Bjork and he seems like an aggressive type in what is becoming a more aggressive college ball landscape.

"I drive fast, OK?..." Sounds like he'll fit right on I-270. Just another maniac flying past me as I come out of Easton, lol. :argh:

Don't know why they didn't go with one of the Pac12 AD's that were mentioned earlier, but Bjork must fit in with the vision at OSU. Anyways, back to all the positive stuff on the football team...
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"I drive fast, OK?..." Sounds like he'll fit right on I-270. Just another maniac flying past me as I come out of Easton, lol. :argh:

Don't know why they didn't go with one of the Pac12 AD's that were mentioned earlier, but Bjork must fit in with the vision at OSU. Anyways, back to all the positive stuff on the football team...
Well a lot of the Pac12 AD's were complicit in the Clusterfuck that lead to the end of their conference
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