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Gene Smith (Former AD, ‘10 AD of the Year, '13 NAAC Organizational Leadership Award)

I never thought Ohio State (let alone any B1G team) would hire an AD whose previous AD experience was at Ole Miss and Texas A&M

Buckeye leadership saw Michigan put their cheating pants on and said "heh, watch this bitch!"
I'll let @ORD_Buckeye take it from here
Well, if it happens all the OSU fans bitching about NIL shortcomings will likely get their wish on paying recruits a ton of money to come here. Plus we'll get someone that isn't a puppet with the NCAA's hand up their ass complying with things they should just ignore, it'll be a middle finger to every investigation until they just give up. The SEC is very good at doing that (not aimed at you or your team, I legitimately mean that). There is plenty I didn't like about Gene, he ends up at around a B- on my final report card.

Not saying I would agree with the hire at all, but it may not be all bad if we can get him to unlearn some of what he learned in his past endeavors. Trying to be positive. Also a major caveat - I don't really know anything about the guy other than the schools he was with. So trying to reserve judgment.
I'm beside myself with how bad this will be for the university.

University won't miss a beat. Not so sure about the athletic department. Is this guy going to give half a fuck about anything other than football and m&w basketball. Maybe baseball but good luck building a nationally competitive program in a cold weather state.

My only hope is that a lot of the crazy shit at Ass-To-Mouth was forced on him by the administration and oil money boosters, and he was desperate to get the hell away from that freak show. Otherwise, God help us.
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University won't miss a beat. Not so sure about the athletic department. Is this guy going to give half a fuck about anything other than football and m&w basketball. Maybe baseball but good luck building a nationally competitive program in a cold weather state.

My only hope is that a lot of the crazy shit at Ass-To-Mouth was forced on him by the administration and oil money boosters, and he was desperate to get the hell away from that freak show. Otherwise, God help us.
He was a disaster at Ole Miss too.

Then again, we're talking about Ole Miss and A&M. Could have been the locations, but he was pretty bad at both.
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Pretty sure Day will still be in charge of the strategic direction of the NIL decisions for the football program. Bjork will likely just be much more aggressive in setting up the structure/organization of the collectives and the fundraising for them, which seems like a good thing to me.

The Fisher extension and buyout weren’t a great look, but who can say how much of that was pushed by Bjork and how much was pushed by A&M’s incredibly toxic, meddling boosters? I’m sure Bjork will be thrilled for the opportunity to work with, on a relative scale, more normal fans and boosters at Ohio State.
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