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Gene Smith (Former AD, ‘10 AD of the Year, '13 NAAC Organizational Leadership Award)

Sunday marks the end of Gene Smith’s tenure as Ohio State’s athletic director​

Smith has been one of the most influential figures in college athletics administration during his time at Ohio State.

Sunday marks the final day of Gene Smith’s tenure as Ohio State’s athletic director, wrapping up a career spanning almost 40 years as a Division I athletics director, with the last 19 coming in Columbus at Ohio State. During his time at Ohio State, Smith has strengthened the Buckeye athletic department as one of the best in the country, while also helping student-athletes be prepared for life after college.

Jus sayin': Today is Gene's last (official) day as Athletic Director. Yeah, he made a few (major) mistakes, like not taking the football bowl ban in 2011 and extending Holtzman's contract in 2022: however, overall he had a decent tenure as AD.

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