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Gene Smith (Former AD, ‘10 AD of the Year, '13 NAAC Organizational Leadership Award)

Link and video of Smith press conference.

tOSU new AD

He will begin his new job on April 15 to replace Andy Geiger, who is retiring.

According to the university, the basic terms of Smith's hiring agreement include a base pay of $450,000 annually for seven years. He will receive a maximum $125,000 annually in incentive pay for meeting athletic and academic performance goals that President Karen A. Holbrook will specify. The university also will contribute $50,000 a year to a deferred compensation fund that he will receive should he stay for the entire length of his agreement.

"I am certain that the people of Ohio will agree that we have found the best athletics director at The Ohio State University," Holbrook said.

Smith was born and raised in Cleveland, and graduated from the University of Notre Dame, where he played on the 1973 Fighting Irish national championship team. He earned his bachelor's degree in business administration in 1977 and earned three varsity football letters as a defensive end. was a member of the Associated Press 1973 national championship team.

Smith also served as an assistant football coach for the Fighting Irish from 1977-81, helping to guide the squad to its 1977 undisputed national championship.

His first job as a college athletic director began when he was 29 years old when he led Eastern Michigan University's athletic department. Smith also served as Iowa State and was most recently athletic director at Arizona State University.

He will now oversee a university that has 36 varsity sports and 1,000 student athletes.

"I'm excited to be here. I'm excited to be a Buckeye," Smith said. "There's so much that can be accomplished in the narrow world of athletics to help student athletes to be successful."

Smith will take over an athletics department that has been under scrutiny for nearly two years. He will inherit NCAA investigations into the Ohio State football and men's basketball programs.

"My goal is to create an environment for those student athletes to be successful -- academically, athletically and socially," Smith said.

Smith, who was hired by the Sun Devils in 2000, is a member of the NCAA Infractions Committee, the NCAA Football Rules Committee, the NCAA Administrative Review Committee and the BCS Athletic Director's Advisory Committee.

Smith is known as an outstanding fund-raiser and academic leader, and has a clean reputation, NBC 4's Jerod Smalley reported.

"The thing that intrigued me the most at The Ohio State University is what Andy Geiger accomplished," Smith said. I'm privileged to have a chance to follow the great footprint that he's put forward."

Smith was reportedly flown to Columbus on Friday and met with university officials following the monthly Board of Trustees meeting, which was held in Newark.

"Gene has been an extremely successful athletic director and university leader at Arizona State University," said Arizona State President Michael Crow. "He and his wife, Sheila, senior vice president of the ASU Foundation, are beloved by the university family. We are very sorry to see Gene leave but well understand that this is a wonderful opportunity for him. On behalf of the entire ASU community, I want to thank Gene and Sheila for all they have done for this university, and wish them and their family great happiness and great success in Ohio."

Smith received some applause at the news conference when he said that in his years as a Notre Dame assistant, he never lost to Michigan.
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Bestbuck36 said:
How can the guy make twice as much as Geiger?! :confused:
It sounds like you've never had to recruit for a department head position. It's not like you say "the job pays $12.50 an hour" and wait for someone to apply.

Supply, demand and the art of negotiation have made America great. Apparently, Mr. Smith felt he was worth a lot of money, and OSU agreed. That said, with a high salary comes high expectations, so he better be up to the task.
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He said that he is ready to "rock and roll". :)
Regarding the investigations, he said, “I think it’s important that we keep them in perspective. Regardless of the outcomes, there is a great deal of integrity here. When you go through the list of coaches, when you look at the great tradition, when you spend time with President Holbrook … these issues are single issues in a small situation. They are not something that will damage the integrity or the long-term health of the athletic program.
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ohiobuck94 said:
Smith received some applause at the news conference when he said that in his years as a Notre Dame assistant, he never lost to Michigan.
Always a good move to throw in some form of anti-scUM sentiment upon your tOSU hiring.

Welcome aboard ADGS

After watching that clip, I have to say, the old hag just helped to further prove the old stereotype about white people and a lack of rhythm..she also said "he graduated from THE Notre Dame University where in 1973, he played DEFENSIVE on their championship team."

Damn she needs a clue.
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daddyphatsacs said:
The verdict is still out in my opinion. Unfortunately I think that him being a minority played a factor in his hiring, which I do not think it should be (OSU did the same with Karan HOEbrook). This approach limits the available candidates, and pigeon holes the search. I am not stating that he isn't the most qualified candidate for the position, but it appears that some who are familiar with him are not too hot on his leadership.

I'll go into it open minded, I'm sure he'll do a good job. Besides, Andy G didn't necessarily leave him with a perfect department in my opinion. The guy is going to have some serious issues to deal with, and will be exposed to the big time in a hurry. We'll find a lot about his integrity within his first 2 months.

It's good you have an open mind...
I suppose a "minority" can't get a job in America without special help or consideration in your elevated opinion?? If you can read, I think his bio and work history speaks for itself to his eminent qualifications.

I can't believe some people are actually suggesting this guy is a charity hire. I suppose if there is a black or otherwise minority President of the U.S. one day some will say" Uh,he just got the job cuz he is a minority is awl......"

He will and has serious issues to deal with and no grace period to boot. His upside is positive, he is a football guy and the majority of those who know of him say his integrity will be good for us.

Let the tear down begin..................................... :!
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Espin spent more print on the Clarett controversy and investigations than on the story of tOSU new AD. Get a clue Espin.


COLUMBUS, Ohio - Nearly two months after Ohio State athletic director Andy Geiger announced his retirement, the school has found a replacement.

On Saturday, Ohio State announced that Gene Smith will become the school's eighth athletic director, effective April 15. Smith will succeed Geiger, who announced his retirement on January 5.

Smith, who has been the athletic director at Arizona State the last five years, has a 19-year career in Division I-A athletics. Prior to joining Arizona State, he spent eight years each with Iowa State and Eastern Michigan.

"In Gene Smith, Ohio State is hiring a well-respected A.D. with a track record of athletics management and student-athlete achievement," Ohio State president Karen Holbrook said. "He is a nationally respected A.D. who will be a tremendous leader for our program."

A former assistant football coach for Notre Dame from 1977-81, Smith inherits a program engulfed in controversy.

From the time running back Maurice Clarett helped the Buckeyes win the national championship in 2002, the school's athletic department has been beset by investigations of its football and basketball programs.

Geiger, who will remain with the school as a consultant through 2006, took over as athletic director in 1994 and is probably best known for hiring football coach Jim Tressel in 2001. Tressel guided the Buckeyes to a perfect 14-0 record and the national championship in 2002.

However, what followed was numerous controversies. Clarett, a freshman on the national championship team, was suspended the following year for lying to investigators during an NCAA probe of allegations that he received improper payments from a friend.

Clarett later accused Ohio State of paying him with gifts and cars in an interview with ESPN The Magazine.

In December, the Buckeyes suspended quarterback Troy Smith after admitting that he accepted benefits from a booster.

The basketball program also was engulfed in scandal, resulting in the firing of coach Jim O'Brien last June after he allegedly made a $6,000 payment to a recruit. In December, the school imposed a one-year postseason tournament ban on its men's basketball program.

Tressel remains under contract through 2008.

This story is from ESPN.com's automated news wire. Wire index
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..where's that instant BAN button on my keyboard?.....
I think you left it on the Bucknuts board.

There are a couple of us on this board who know Gene Smith who have the same negative impression. He took a program little more than half the size of OSU's and made a complete shambles out of it. He took over Kevin White's fund - raising effort, but has been unable to raise money on his own. He has cut 20+ jobs from his department because of the deficits. Improper benefits to football players has sparked an NCAA investigation. The home football schedule is horrible and the stadium is consistently half empty. In defending himself publicly he recently stated that fans and alums should be happy with a fourth - place conference finish -- it's good enough to retain the coaches and competitive enough so that there shouldn't be any pressure on him. He's bailing because ASU is a job that's just too big for him, and in truth he's screwed it up for his successor.
I think it's a little naive to state that he won't have to do anything with facilities because they're currently good. In college athletics you have to upgrade constantly to remain competitive with other schools in recruiting. I also think that those who post that he has to stay away from boosters shouldn't worry. They stay away from him.
I'm wondering what will become of his wife. She was part of a package deal at ASU. The president here at ASU had to create some kind of special assistant to the president position at $200K to get them here. Will Holbrook do the same, or is the huge increase in his salary supposed to compensate for the loss of income for his wife?
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yt6 said:
My question is, why can we not get an OSU grad. We have the largest university in the country, more grads and than anyone, and we don't have an AD, football or basketball head coach that went to tOSU. I think this is unbelievable. How long has it been since we had a OSU grad in one of these positions. Seems crazy to me

was Geiger an OSU guy before he came to OSU? :roll1:
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Diver says:

"He's bailing because ASU is a job that's just too big for him, and in truth he's screwed it up for his successor."

Well, I suppose my join date and yours are not so far apart........ :shake:
...If the ASU job was too big for him, why in the heck would tOSU hire him and further, why would he aspire to such a post? Saying this is kind of insulting to tOSU isn't it? If he was such a detrimental element at ASU, what would a university (the largest in America) with so much more to loose- no offense- have to do with this guy??

I quoted you because you seem to be in that minority group of individuals who want to open the barrel of sour grapes and spill 'em out on our board.

Your thinly veiled comment- "Smith has exactly one redeeming characteristic -- he's Black; but after all, if it wasn't for affirmative action, Holbrook would still be teaching second grade in Georgia. Apparently there's only one criterion for selection in Holbrook's book."-
concerning Mr. Smiths race being a redeeming quality speaks to another shady element in your statements....maybe you left Bucknuts too soon. :cry:
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The first time I saw him, shortly after he was reported as a top candidate for the AD job, I thought Gene Smith's appearance really reminded me of someone. I recently realized who it is: Dave Winfield. Anyone else see that?
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sorry to bring this up in the face of the big game this september (in a season which can't come soon enough), and all, but i thought UT-austin was the biggest university in the US with tosu #2. let me just say, if that's the case, well then that will the only number at which they will be greater than tosu this year :wink2:
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