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Gene Smith (Former AD, ‘10 AD of the Year, '13 NAAC Organizational Leadership Award)

starBUCKS said:
But in my honest opinion Andy Geiger is a good man, and Gene Smith will not be able to do half as many good things as he.

To be fair starBUCKS, none of the athletic directors at Ohio State (since Lynn St. John) have done half as many good things as Andy Geiger. Andy will become a legend.

Welcome to the family Gene and we wish you the best!
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The thing I like the most about him is that he is supposed to be a guy that will keep the boosters at arms length... that regardless of the cost he won't allow them to drag the program down. That's just what I've been hearing, I have no facts to support this :) We definitely need someone who can change the atmosphere of some of the rogue boosters and their cocky approach to tOSU.
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What facillities does he need to worry about bringing here? New Basketball Arena? No. New Baseball Stadium? No. Ohio Stadium Renovations? No. New Athletic Center? Nope. Track and Field Stadium? Nada.

So I don't think any perception of his lack of ability to bring in high quality facilities is going to be a concern anywhere in the next 10-15 years at least.

Note: About Andy Geiger and his so-called Legend status. I must disagree. He did great things and he did not so great things. The Schott, in my opinion, was a gamble and a major failure because of Nationwide. That building has no college basketball atmosphere whatsoever. I feel like I'm at a Cavs game, only without Lebron dunking and dishing. Geiger's relegation of the students to second and third class status when it comes to athletic events also spits in the face of the college athletic spirit.

And ripping out the Stadium Dorm from the Stadium just so we could have large luxury boxes and avoid compliance with Disability Laws was a shame as well (although only personal to me and a few others - but I had to bring it up)

These, unfortunately are the things I think about when it comes to Geiger - because those are the things that affected me. I don't deny his accomplishments, and I don't deny that some of the things I'm criticizing him for may have been necessary to reach those goals. I'm simply stating that it is not "all good" when it comes to Geiger.
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I really don't know too much about this fellow, and there are doubts remaining about whether the position has been offered to Gene Smith - and doubts about those doubts.
Still one thing for sure, hiring an AA into the AD position at tOSU is going to be viewed positively by a lot of folks. I realize he already held the position with the same title at AZ State, though -- with no knock on AZ State -- the AD position at tOSU is one of the plum jobs in the profession.

Couple of off-topic things --
The OSU trustees met today in Newark. One trustee, Tami Longaberger, is a member of the search committee.
Is that Longaberger as in the Basket Company? (With distinctive HQ in Nerk, Ahia).


<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2></TD></TR><TR title="Post 156017" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>AKAKBUCK</TD><TD class=alt2>fwiw- this report has been denied by our esteemed president.. :wink2:

Oh good, Karen tries to blow a smokescreen...

Can someone do another eBay listing for KH?
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sandgk, you are sharp-eyed. Indeed, Ms. Longaberger is the daughter of one Dave Longaberger (d.), founder of the basket empire that bears his name. Rumor has it that the next new athletic building at Ohio State (the to-be-titled Longaberger Fieldhouse) will be shaped like a basket, also.
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MaxBuck said:
sandgk, you are sharp-eyed. Indeed, Ms. Longaberger is the daughter of one Dave Longaberger (d.), founder of the basket empire that bears his name. Rumor has it that the next new athletic building at Ohio State (the to-be-titled Longaberger Fieldhouse) will be shaped like a basket, also.
Is this confirmed? I can't believe this school is going to have any money or space left after the South Campus renovation, library renovation, and rebuilding the union. That takes them to the end of the decade, even if you ignore potential $$$ problems that have already pushed back the library project.
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It is interesting that coaching decisions get so much more attention than AD choices - even though the AD position has much more impact on the University.

My concern - be it Simth or anyone else - is that this hiring is being done when the major issues at OSU are not losing seasons or the need for new facilities. Rather, they are the need to improve graduation rates and keep players out of the news. I agree with those goals, but if they are the primary selection criteria we may end up with someone who doesn't know how to deliver championships.
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Our new AD Smith will have a wealth of possibilities here at Ohio State that he hasn't seen in his previous careers. Our robust sport programs, already in place, will allow him to show his talents, and to a certain extent, move to his dreams. He's at that age where his past accomplishments and current confidence will be a big plus for our University.

I'm quite sure scholarship and high personal values (speaking of sport players/recruits), was and is a huge emphasis in Smith's hiring.

I say welcome AD Smith...press on!!!!!
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Diver says....

"This is truly the best possible choice for ASU and the worst possible choice for OSU. Smith has exactly one redeeming characteristic -- he's Black; but after all, if it wasn't for affirmative action, Holbrook would still be teaching second grade in Georgia. Apparently there's only one criterion for selection in Holbrook's book."

..where's that instant BAN button on my keyboard?.....


Def said:
He'll have to keep his distance from boosters for awhile:biggrin:

I heard his cell bill will be paid every month...... :biggrin:
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