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Gameplanning against LSU

Smirk;1022094; said:
You DON'T want to just force LSU's offense into long drives.

Just on poking around the stats against good teams (Florida, Ark, Tenn, bama, Auburn and Scar), half of LSU's points come on short field possessions. Of the remaining drives 3/4rs ended in punts and turnovers. I dont know the average for teams to score per drive but I think our defense is better than most LSU has played.

Avoiding turnovers and short punts will be crucial of course.

As for trick plays, I really dont think that is necessary at all. If we get trickier than Mo on a draw I would be surprised.
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to stop LSU you must 1st stop hester. everyone in the stadium knows he's gonna get the ball yet he picks up 3-4 yds even when the D puts 8 in the box.

secondly, force LSU into some 3rd and long situations then you have a chance for a flynn/perrilloux turnover

third is my biggest nightmare and that is our special teams play. seems like our special teams have put us in a bad spot all year.
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third is my biggest nightmare and that is our special teams play. seems like our special teams have put us in a bad spot all year.
Well, teddy is homesick for OSU... slap a black visor on his helmet and suit him up as Small, think anyone will notice?
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86Tiger;1021848; said:
Now, how do I gameplan for tOSU hairless nuts?

When OSU has the ball, it's simple: make Boeckman beat you. Try to jam the receivers at the line of scrimage and pressure Boeckman into making quick throws. But of course, you'll have to slow down Wells. If he is not slowed down, Tressel may just run him every single down. Wells is just that dominant of a player.

Boeckman is an excellent QB and you surely don't want to overlook him. But he has the tendency, ever since the spring game, to not sense pressure and lay the ball on the ground. In fact, a 90 some odd yard fumble recovery was returned for a TD that gave the gray a victory in the spring game.

Tressel will want to connect on a couple of bombs early to get the lead so he can live and die by the defense, which is the scenario that he wants (and why not when you got three future 1st round NFL picks) and also to put the ball into Beanie Well's hands to run the clock. 20 attempts are the most you are going to see out of Boeckman and if he throws more than that, then it probably means OSU is trying to climb up from falling way behind.

Players to beware: Ray Small. Has sick acceleration. This is a guy that can behind your 3rd corner.
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bukIpower;1021292; said:
2. Play a cover 3 and force flynn to beat you with his arm.
Flynn doesn't need to beat y'all with his arm. If i were y'all i would be more worried about our running backs. You will be seeing hester, williams, scott, murphy, and holliday. Good luck trying to shut down out run game
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Fgiord;1022393; said:
Flynn doesn't need to beat y'all with his arm. If i were y'all i would be more worried about our running backs. You will be seeing hester, williams, scott, murphy, and holliday. Good luck trying to shut down out run game

Statistically, your rushing offense is 31st in D1A. The Silver Bullet rushing defense is 3rd. We've given up exactly two touchdowns on the ground this year, and an average of 77ypg. Ohio State is also first in scoring defense, allowing 10ppg.

The Bucks have played the #10, #21, #37, #39, #42 and #43 rushing teams by yardage in the country.

It's my belief that Flynn does need to beat us with his arm. I am worried about our playing a soft zone and letting him pick us apart underneath. I'd be relieved to see LSU line it up in the I formation and come straight at us. Not saying that your running game isn't good -- it just plays right into the heart of what our team does well, which is stopping the run.
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Fgiord;1022393; said:
Flynn doesn't need to beat y'all with his arm. If i were y'all i would be more worried about our running backs. You will be seeing hester, williams, scott, murphy, and holliday. Good luck trying to shut down out run game

I realize that LSU has some talent at running back, but when you bearly break 200 yards rushing in 3 OTs against Arkansas (they are ranked somewhere in the 60s or 70s nationally if I recall correctly), perhaps you are over-stating it.

And I don't know WHO is going to win the game, but there is no friggin way either team is going to win by more than 1 TD.....it's not happening.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcUVLK4T9YI"]YouTube - LSU Football - Williams 67 Yard TD Run[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RDeHRXdVEs&feature=related"]YouTube - LSU Football - Williams 31 Yard TD Run[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijn0Wlu5Y-0&feature=related"]YouTube - LSU Football - Keiland Williams 46 Yard TD Catch[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TKV2Q7HySc"]YouTube - Holliday Breaks Out[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt-KZ4VwPkk&feature=related"]YouTube - LSU - Trindon Holliday[/ame]

I think LSU can run outside...
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I think if OSU wants to beat LSU they will have to come up with something unconventional. If I were Tressel, I'd put in quite a few direct snap plays to my best athlete. LSU has shown, this yr, to have lots of trouble with mobile QB. OSU will not be able to simply line up and pound Beanie a few times and go deep. This is exactly what LSU is going to focus on stopping. The key for OSU would be to come out with something LSU is not expecting.
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Run right at them...right at Dorsey. The only RB better than Wells in that conference is Mc Fadden. Moreno is nice but hes not wells. Run the ball out of the 4 WR set.

Watch out for fake punts and gimmicks. Miles is a douchebag and will try a couple of these. Double-reverse pass...Wheel route to Hester...fake punt...fake kick ...hopefully we are ready and blow it up.

The tigers will be cocky and overconfident. They are not the best team to ever play like the media is playing it out.

Attack the QB.

Lawrence Wilson, Chris Wells, Denlinger, and all the other guys injured need to play at 100%

Let them get their 10+ penalties for over 100...let thm help us not us help them.
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brutus2002;1022529; said:
Run right at them...right at Dorsey.
Sound advice - got to try that.

brutus2002;1022529; said:
The only RB better than Wells in that conference is Mc Fadden. Moreno is nice but hes not wells.
Moreno as a Freshman is phenomenal. His first year totals are greater than those accumulated by McFadden in his first campaign - in all respects except the return game, in which Moreno was not featured.

brutus2002;1022529; said:
Run the ball out of the 4 WR set.
Or 3-wide for that matter.

brutus2002;1022529; said:
Watch out for fake punts and gimmicks. Miles is a douchebag and will try a couple of these. Double-reverse pass...Wheel route to Hester...fake punt...fake kick ...hopefully we are ready and blow it up.
Certainly have to be alert for the gimmicks. If the Buckeyes can make LSU pay for rolling the dice that is one less arrow in Miles' quiver.

brutus2002;1022529; said:
The tigers will be cocky and overconfident. They are not the best team to ever play like the media is playing it out.
I have sen nothing to support this assertion - they might get lulled somewhat by all the media lathering them with praise for speed, toughness of schedule, scaling mount-SEC or the like, but they haven't come out with BB material .... yet.

brutus2002;1022529; said:
Attack the QB.
Yep - agreed you have to limit Flynn's feeling of security. Those relative sack counts certainly look interesting right now.

brutus2002;1022529; said:
Lawrence Wilson, Chris Wells, Denlinger, and all the other guys injured need to play at 100%
Is it anywhere near certain that Wilson will suit for this game? I hope he does but there has been a paucity of information on this issue. (Gholston and Heyward and the others will have to play a high-motor game though).

brutus2002;1022529; said:
Let them get their 10+ penalties for over 100...let thm help us not us help them.
If LSU cannot play a disciplined game that will likely put a check against one of the Tiger fans more solid concerns.
The one related factor you didn't mention is if and when Miles screws up the TO count or otherwise indulges in questionable game management or play-calling.
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sandgk;1022554; said:
Yep - agreed you have to limit Flynn's feeling of security. Those relative sack counts certainly look interesting right now.

That is going to depend heavily on which LSU O-line shows up. This is a wildly inconsistent bunch. At times,they look impenetrable, and Flynn has time to make a sandwich before throwing a pass. Then other times (even in the same game), they can't stop a 3 man rush for shit.
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COTiger;1022236; said:
Blitz as you like. We're used to it. Sooner or later he's going to be open. The question is can Flynn get him the ball.

Our OL is above average. Gholston's a stud and if we have to double him all night that's obviously not good for us. Ciron Black & Big Herman Johnson on the left side are our strength. Hitt & Stewart on the right side often make me lose sleep at nights.

thanks for the ol info
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COTiger;1022236; said:
Blitz as you like. We're used to it. Sooner or later he's going to be open. The question is can Flynn get him the ball.

Our OL is above average. Gholston's a stud and if we have to double him all night that's obviously not good for us. Ciron Black & Big Herman Johnson on the left side are our strength. Hitt & Stewart on the right side often make me lose sleep at nights.

If the right side of the Oline makes you lose sleep, I'm sure that's where the coaches will apply the pressure = Gholston & co. in your backfield disrupting the LSU passing game.
Defensively, stop the pass first, contain the run second and that starts up front with how LSU's O Line handles tOSU's D Line. Or vice versa and the D Line holds their water and let the LB's bring the wood.
Defending the pass, tOSU will need to disguise their coverages, none of the BS we saw last year where we let the QB stand there and throw vs a soft zone. If the QB wants to throw at Jenkins/Washington then we need to be smart/physical with their WR's and wrap them up when they make catches. Most importantly pick these QB's off when they miss, how many picks did we drop in the purdue game 4,5,6?? and Henne threw one that MJ had both hands on and couldn't get a grip in the rain.
I say these QB's because, I'm sure as many others are, we are going to see both Flynn and Perrilloux play and having only one gameplan vs both is a huge mistake. Both are athletic can run and throw but Flynn is coming off an injury and his below average comp. % seems suspect. Knock him around a bit and we can force him to throw into coverage. I think tOSU secondary vs LSU's WR's is gonna be fun to watch.

Perrilloux is the wild card, if he comes off the bench or starts and makes plays on tOSU early we need to adjust and not continue to do the same thing like last year vs UF.

The overall gameplan:who is more flexible on both sides of the ball. Be diverse and keep the other team on their toes while not out thinking yourself. Both teams can run and pass effectively, who is gonna be more sucessful at what?
Like every football game whoever gets pressure on the QB w/o giving up the big play will have the best opportunity to force the other team into turnovers and ultimately win the game. Quite simply, control the line of scrimmage. To offset that pressure, offensively, you need to be able to run the football effectively.

tOSU needs to spread them out on offense to win this game, but not so much that every play is four-five wide shotgun formation.
Robo, Hartline, Small, Sanz and Saine is a set up I'd like to see utilized. Take our shots downfield, be accurate and not force things when they're not there. QB draws may be something we need to throw in there too.
But still be effective out of the I-formation with Beanie and Johnson/Whaley in the backfield not just stretch plays but play action to the TE/WR.
Offensively when tOSU passes, TB needs to check the ball down or throw it away and not force throws into double/triple coverage and obviously the O Line MUST protect the damn QB!!! Tress needs to remind TB that it's not all on his shoulders, the punt is your friend and let our defense do their thing.

Tressell Ball Baby!! (with a few more wrinkles):oh:
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