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Gameplanning against LSU

The key that people have touched on here is making LSU go the length of the field - do not give up big plays on either offense of special teams. LSU leads the SEC (and maybe all of college football) in penalties - these are often drive-killing against a bend but don't break D. Stop the run up the middle - I have not seen many (if any) outside runs be successful this year. Make Flynn beat you with his arm - short passes all the way down the field. We have to be stronger on runs up the middle than we've been all year. As Hester goes, so goes the Tigers.

On offense, pound the ball with Beanie - run right at LSU, and don't take him out. I have been a bit frustrated this year when the O gets clicking, and then we give Beanie a series off. We are simply not as effective when Beanie is not in there. There is no tomorrow - hopefully Beanie's ankle will be 100% and he can carry the ball like he did vs. TSUN. Todd has got to have a solid game - no INTs, keep composure. I am hoping the last two games have been a result of the thumb / the weather - if he plays like he did against Illinois / TSUN, we are in trouble. He will have to make a couple throws to loosen up the run.
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They will need to do what Arkansas did: PLAY MAN TO MAN ON LSU'S WRS!

Ohio State plays a lot of zone and that will get killed easily with Flynn's tendencies to pass to short routes all day. That will be a repeat of last year's against Florida.

They have to play tight man to man and disguise their blitzes down through the trenches.

Also, run the ball with Chris Wells as much as possible. Mostly off-tackle or toss plays with occasional gut rushes. Try to key away from Dorsey, don't let him become a factor.

OSU's offensive line needs to step up big time. If they repeat their same performance from last year, Ohio State won't be playing well again. They are supposed to be already hitting the weigh room constantly so that's much better to hear about, rather than taking a long break.
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Here is how you game plan for LSU.

When tOSU has the ball:

1. Spread out their defense. Get McCrary where he has to defend a wide receiver. Throw short passes to receivers and run right at Dorsey. May not work as well if he is healthy, but it has worked the last several weeks.

2. Misdirection (i.e. bootlegs, spread option). Very few teams have had success running sweeps as the LBs are fast, but they aren't very big. Suck em in one way, get a chip block, then you've got something. Arky's runs were off tackle, but usually with a fake to a real running threat.

3. Throw away from Chevious Jackson. Go after Steltz or McCrary if you can get them in a man to man situation. However, in zone do not leave your receiver out to dry with Steltz as a hitman. He is put a few guys out, including himself in three games.

4. Stay away from third and long. Without a real "running" QB LSU will bring the house. Again, back/TE slips out, quick pass has been effective here.

5. Screens have been relatively ineffective.

This defense is very fast and aggressive, but you can get them second guessing themselves and playing tentative. Last week against TN, LSU had two freshmen and two sophomores playing on the D-line, the entire way. When the starters return their depth should be fine.

When LSU has the ball:

1. Blitz often. When teams blitz a lot, they don't really like the blitz.

2. Prepare for the spread option. LSU has been running it for 10 years and it is Crowton's favorite. Les prefers the more traditional pro-style set and it is how we will start.

3. LSU thrives on long drives. Three and outs (which OSU has excelled at) is imperative. When Hester is in the game, they will plod along and keep your O off the field. They will get you sucked in to stop the run, then go over the top from 55 yards out and in.

4. Stop Deucet. Double him. I know that you think you have the best secondary in the country. Doesn't matter if you do. Doucet is the heart and soul of the recievers, if you can stop him, you almost defacto stop all of them.

5. Watch the screens. I know OSU is one of the best at stopping screens because their backers are so good, but LSU throws them all over the field. Sometimes they fake it one direction then throw it another. Also, in college you can begin blocking before they catch it. Something they have done very well for a long time.

6. When LSU is in the I with Hester, they run it 95% of the time. You probably know what to do then.

LSU is not Florida and believes that it can play physical with anyone. A successful strategy until you lose your depth, which we did as we had as many as 6 defensive players miss some substantial time in key situations. With the extra time, you can expect this. Want to win out physical them. As a B10 fan or an SEC, you can't really expect or want more.

Now, how do I gameplan for tOSU hairless nuts?
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I agree that stopping Early Doucet is key, but don't agree that that stops all the WR's. Dimetrius Byrd has come to be the "go-to" guy since Doucet's season has been so up and down with injuries. And Brandon Lafell has finally learned to catch the ball.

Buckeyes need to blitz blitz blitz (see Tulane game--first half).

The best chance OSU has is to score points on an LSU defense that has proven somewhat porous in the second half of the season, and hope for lots of penalties on LSU's offense (not exactly a stretch). Of course LSU's D will be much healthier come gametime.

LSU will score points because-barring turnovers-there's just too much talent on this O.

Hold LSU on Special teams returns (as someone said, kick AWAY from Holliday--hey, that rhymes!). Hope for field goals (how Arky won).
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briegg;1021415; said:
The key that people have touched on here is making LSU go the length of the field - do not give up big plays on either offense of special teams. LSU leads the SEC (and maybe all of college football) in penalties - these are often drive-killing against a bend but don't break D. Stop the run up the middle - I have not seen many (if any) outside runs be successful this year. Make Flynn beat you with his arm - short passes all the way down the field. We have to be stronger on runs up the middle than we've been all year. As Hester goes, so goes the Tigers.

If you do that, OSU will loose because Flynn excels when it is dink and dunk offense. Make us go the length of the field, by the end of the game LSU's backs will have you sucking wind in the defense. Man2Man blitz will get to fly which is why he had problems with Alabama. To beat Flynn you need to take away the under stuff and make him go over the top where he is less accurate.
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Finally some Tiger fans responded, because reading this thread, you guys were kind of misinformed on how to beat LSU.

You DON'T want to simply pound Beanie Wells.

You DON'T want to just force LSU's offense into long drives.

LSU's D excels against traditional O's like OSU's and traditional power backs like Beanie (albeit they haven't seen a power back quite as good as Wells this year).

When on Offense, OSU needs to pass to set up the run a bit more than they normally do. You must spread LSU out in multiple WR sets. You also MUST throw in some gimmicky wrinkles: direct snaps to RB's, read option. The LSU D is great against the run, not as good against the pass, and pretty bad against the read option and mobile QBs.

On Defense:

1) OSU MUST recognize which RB is in the game and the tendencies. If Hester is in, its more than likely a run in between the tackles or just off tackle. If he is lined up at FB, they probably throw to him. If Keiland Williams is in, it is going outside or it is the option. If Trindon is in, we probably won't pass, and it will be an outside run. If Richard Murphy is in, it is a screen pass or a swing pass. It is crucial that tOSU recognizes these tendencies and adjusts accordingly.

2) On passing downs, tOSU MUST play man to man and they must blitz. Blitzing is key versus Flynn, and although both Flynn and RP are very mobile, both our OL and the QBs can get rattled. Hide your coverages, blitz, and shade safety coverage over to Doucet.
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I love all this analysis...BUT lets be clear here...you are all off target on how to win...winning is simple...make fewer mistakes then them...ie fewer penalties and turnovers AND make better in game adjustments...with this being the best way to win TOSU clearly is better at all three of these when compared to lsu:oh:
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LSU does not "thrive" on stopping running attacks. They've struggled this year giving up over 300 yards to arkansas and many more big yarder games to others as well. I know LSU was hurting throughout the year and will finally be healthy, but the same can be said for our back chris wells. While Mcfadden is a great runner and a better over all player than beanie at this point, beanie IMO is much more demorilizing than mcfadden. I say this because he will take the 5-6 yards and he'll keep getting up, and he'll keep pounding away. 1st down after 1st down. Just what I think though but I'm sure LSU will come with their hard hats to work that day so we shall see..

as far as duecette I'm not worried about him. it's Byrd and Laffel I'm worried about. Jenkins will negate early but the thing is can our #2 and #3 DB's step up and hold their own. Donald Washington has been damn near All american this year but LSU's recievers are a different animal.

I think at first OSU will try and get pressure with the front four and if we can't get that pressure we will then blitz. Man we're now a month away and I already can't wait
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notfadeaway;1022183; said:
Single coverage would mean a lot of blitzing...which could make it difficult for flynn to get the ball to him...Oh and what is the lsu ol like??? Who will stop gholston??

Blitz as you like. We're used to it. Sooner or later he's going to be open. The question is can Flynn get him the ball.

Our OL is above average. Gholston's a stud and if we have to double him all night that's obviously not good for us. Ciron Black & Big Herman Johnson on the left side are our strength. Hitt & Stewart on the right side often make me lose sleep at nights.
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