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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Clarity said:
Thanks Prodigy, appreciate the sentiments. Do us a favor and win out, most of us will be pulling for you, and *really* looking forward to a chance at redemption next year.

I'm looking forward to it too my man. You guys go ahead and win out too...who knows, maybe if things fall correctly we could meet again in Pasadena.
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O'Rourke said:
Fuck, fuck fuck. I'd like to hate you guys, but then you have to pull this southern hospitality crap. Why can't you be assholes like scUM fans?:wink2: Like I said in other thread, good game, I hope you sons of bitches win out and see you in Austin in 2006. Hook the rest of 'em so we look good.:oh: :io:

I grew up in Texas and can honestly say they are some of the nicest people around. I remember going to Oilers-Bengals games at the Astrodome in my Boomer Esiason jersey and being treated very well. Now of course I also remember some of the Aggies/Longhorn matchups that got pretty nasty, but that was Texans vs. Texans so I give them a pass on that one.
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Buckeye Planet

I have been lurking here for a while, and what I have seen is class. I am impressed with this board even in defeat. I have the most respect for the buckeyes and hope they go on to win the big ten.

To be honest, I think the best team won tonight. Coming back from three early turnovers is something to be proud about. The crowd was amazing from what I can tell from TV (even that does not come close to doing it justice) and it made a difference in the game. Thanks for the most awesome game of 2005 and here is to 2006! See yall next september!
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stxbuck said:
Oh well, Tressel makes the big bucks and the big decisions, the 'planet is here for us to vent on, and the Shoe will still be rockin this year......
Exactly. OSU still has a very good shot at 10-1 for the season. The better team won tonight, but the Bucks are hardly down and out.
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Cicero said:
I grew up in Texas and can honestly say they are some of the nicest people around. I remember going to Oilers-Bengals games at the Astrodome in my Boomer Esiason jersey and being treated very well. Now of course I also remember some of the Aggies/Longhorn matchups that got pretty nasty, but that was Texans vs. Texans so I give them a pass on that one.


That's true. Between UT and TAM or OU its full out, slap your cousin, shot their dog, burn the house down, fight your friends, steal their girlfriend, chocolate pies and piss on your face type of hate! It never gets nice, and it never ends or goes away. Thats life between the three of us.

I do have to admitt, that when TAM plays other teams like OU or FSU or especaily Norte Dame (I hate them with a passion) I always pull for the aggies....as we say Austin, "TAM sucks, but OU swallows!"
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Corpsman said:

That's true. Between UT and TAM or OU its full out, slap your cousin, shot their dog, burn the house down, fight your friends, steal their girlfriend, chocolate pies and piss on your face type of hate! It never gets nice, and it never ends or goes away. Thats life between the three of us.

I do have to admitt, that when TAM plays other teams like OU or FSU or especaily Norte Dame (I hate them with a passion) I always pull for the aggies....as we say Austin, "TAM sucks, but OU swallows!"

I remember hearing heated arguements between people at Mass on Sundays. Our Priest was a Long Horns fan and never failed to work a reference to a Horns victory into his sermon.
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Dryden said:
Exactly. OSU still has a very good shot at 10-1 for the season. The better team won tonight, but the Bucks are hardly down and out.

Agreed. We played a great game and have nothing to hang our heads about. I am proud of our guys. I am thinking 10-1 and a possible redemption game in Pasadena.
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okay, i think that i have collected my thoughts...

first off, hats off to the Longhorns for a well fought, tough win... VY especially impressed me. i knew going in that he was an incredible talent, but the way he kept picking himself off the mat again and again was amazing... i thought i was going to fall over when he came back in after Carp and Whitner combined on him with around 4 minutes to go... instead, he threw the game winner... what a gamer!

second, i must commend the outstanding efforts of the Silver Bullets... they absorded what essentially was a knock-out punch early, but came back with an amazing performance...

while i am obviously disappointed with the final score, i will not lose any sleep over this loss... we didn't make the plays when we needed them, and the Horns did. congrats...

some observations: VY can flat-out fucking throw the ball... yes, he made a couple poor descisions, but with Hawk, Carp, and Schlegs hounding him like they did, it's no wonder... what i found most impressive was how stone cold COOL he is... there is NO panic in the guy, which i think is the reason that the Horns won... i don't give Mack Brown the credit for the win - i give it all to VY...

i think that Texas' WRs are better than advertised, though they might have benefitted from a D designed to stop VY, and which didn't place as much emphasis on that group... for one thing, Youboty got burned a couple times, and i didn't see that happen last year, including against Braylon in The Game...

the Horns secondary was pretty good, though i don't think we really learned that much about them... our O-line did not give Troy or Justin the time to really test them deep...

the Horns' young RBs now realize that college ball is not 'just like high school,' though Charles seems to be legit... did Ramonce Taylor have ANY touches?

as for the Buckeyes, Pittman had a nice game, but CLEARLY ran out of gas... where were the other RBs?

the O-line did a pretty good job, but i think the reason we didn't see many deep throws was that Texas D-line wasn't giving the Buckeye QBs the five seconds it takes to throw the long ball... which brings me to:

overall, we left a lot of points out there on the field tonight... some of it was scheme, some of it was execution, and some of it was the guys wearing white... i have a few questions though... where was the quick slant and the bubble screen? it seemed to me that after a couple early drops, Tressel never went back to them... those plays could have helped... where was Schnittker? when your are trying to pound the ball and burn clock, what kind of sense does it make to totally forget about the guy whom you annointed as your big, pound-it-out type back? i think maybe Tressel tried to get a little too cute at a couple times early, and then when they didn't work, he was afraid to pull the trigger later; though, once again, the lack of execution most likely was a major influence on those descisions...

all in all, it was a great game, and we came about two yards short... 'a game of inches is' is damn right... no loss on 2nd down there towards the end, and HUUUU's 6th field goal is good... however, with a little better execution by the O, we aren't relying on 50 yard game winners... we HAVE to score more points...

do Bollman and Tressel talk to each other? what does Bollman do? someone should have been whispering in Tressel's ear about the screen plays from the shot-Ginn... they were non-existant... and the yards were there.

TG2 is pressing, and it shows... call it sophomore slump or whatever, but he needs to relax, let the game come to him, and stop trying to score on every play... first you have to MAKE THE CATCH, Teddy... then you can do your thing... don't get me wrong, i LOVE this kid, but Santonio needs to help keep TG2's head in the game...

i'm not going to get into the Qb issue... both made some good plays, both made some mistakes... whatever... i just don't want to see Jackson/Germaine all over again :smash:

finally, i think we learned a lot about Texas tonight, but we learned even more about the Buckeyes... this game will only make the team better...

all right, enough rambling... let me know what you guys think...
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I'm frequently overwhelmed by the number of posts in here, and therefore am rarely motivated to check to see whether or not my sentiments have already been voiced. Nevertheless, I just can't suppress my abject confusion regarding Zwick's re-entry to the game late in the fourth...or at all, after Smith was seemed so natural in leading the team in both drive and spirit. Again, sorry if this issue has been torn apart already, I just need to hear some other opinions.
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By and large there's been a lot of "It didn't matter who was in there" and "Neither one distinguished themselves" and "There is a QB controversy" in the game thread with the bazillion posts.

Personally, I would have gone with Smith, because I anticipated the running situation arising like it did, but there were enough dropped passes (not just Hamby, though that was the most obvious...Ginn didn't have a good game from the WR spot either) and questionable offensive playcalling to blame either QB.

I do think Tressel has dug himself into a hole as to how the QB PT will be for the rest of the season, though.
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I feel a bit better now...I taped the game and pregame on my VCR tonight. Afterwords, my stunned roomate and I seperated into our rooms for about an hour and a half. First thing that came to our minds - get the bat, the tape and the videocamera! lol.
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The play calling was flat out terrible. I expected way more from last weeks performance.

However, Smith, in my opinion, was back to his ways of guiding the team. We should have stuck with him. Especially in a 2 minute drill, where bringing the ball down and running is something he is much better at. Me and the people around me knew it was only a matter of time until Zwick fumbled while running, he holds the ball weird.

Stick with a QB and ride him out. Playing this "change every other series" stuff is too.. well, stupid. And I hate to say that, because I respect the coaches a lot, but it didn't do us much good tonight.
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