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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Appreciate everyone reeling themselves back in. We're all crushed, but either way a GREAT team had to lose tonight. Both teams played their hearts out, both fanbases (still) have their eyes on the Rose Bowl. This wasn't an upset, nor would it have been had we held on for the win. It was an enormous game, the type that MOST schools are too damn scared to schedule.
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I don't think it could have been any closer. Congrats to Texas. Both teams played their hearts out. Its real easy to second guest decisions. This game was one for the record books! I still can't believe how pumped I was when the game started. Good luck horns, and GO BUCKS!! See ya next year.
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alexhortdog95 said:
and I'll call this one right now - Mack Brown won't beat Oklahoma. Even though he got past you guys today (only because of dropped passes on OSU's part), for some odd reason, Bob Stoops has the magic wand for Mack Brown's ass. Can't explain it, it happens every year.


Fuck that. With the BcS/polls running the show I'm almost as big a longhorn fan as I am a buckeye fan. We don't want to be the team that choked at home to a 10-2 or 9-3 big 12 team. I'd rather be the team that almost beat the NC or runner up. Hook the rest of 'em.:oh: :io:
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firstly, I want to say that this is one of the best games I've ever seen! Two giants on the field together, this is what football is about.

I live in Japan, so we dont get to watch much football here! And when we do, its all the west coast or east coast teams, or for some damn reason the most over-rated QB of all time Vick and his birds.

Y'alls defense is something special, and it wouldn't surprise me if me meet again at the Rose Bowl.

I've been reading this board for a while now, and I want to give y'all a BZ, for how hospitable, warm and enviting the members of this board have been. For those of you who doing know what a BZ is, it means "Bravo Zulu"
Navy term for job well done. This forum is on spot!

I'm sure next years game will be even bigger than tonights, and when y'all get down to Austin, which y'all will love! Make sure to head to Schultz's beer garden, and stop be the County Line for some BBQ. Check out 6th street, try not to get too trashed! Cast some shade while your looking at the 50,000 sexy female co-eds. Hit up Trudy's North Star for some seriously good hot sauce, and finally.... when all is sad and done, dispite who wins, enjoy the tried and true, one - of - a - kind TEXAS HOSPITALITY.

From one Texan to the folks on this forum, let me officially welcome to the state of TEXAS. May the Eyes of Texas Look Upon You.

Good game.

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jlb1705 said:
It makes absolutely perfect sense. Look at the entire game. Zwick was the better passer tonight, and he didn't commit boneheaded errors like Smith did.

Look at that fumble - yeah, it sure did suck - but Zwick did everything right. It was a FORCED ERROR. It's a shame and it sucks for us, but that's life.

Blaming Tressel for this is just as stupid for blaming Grady Little for not pulling Pedro. People are gonna do it anyway though.

If anything, blame the WRs for not getting open, and credit the Texas secondary for playing OUT OF THEIR MINDS tonight. If Zwick had a viable option to throw to on that play, he puts it on the money and they move the chains.

What's to say that Smith wouldn't have come in there and thrown it right into the arms of a Texas defender (like he did a handful of other times during the game?)

EDIT: I understand trying to keep things clean around here but are we gonna tack all the post-game discussion on this thread too? There are about fifteen different conversations going on in here right now.
each did that once (throw to the defender)

Zwick's just got knocked into Pittmans hands.

Smith might have done it twice.

I hate the spread :wink:. Really though, there's times when it's good, but times when I just wish we would stop being cute with this dink-n-dump and just run the ball, play action, take shots deep with our weapons.
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