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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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The lines:

Both of our lines are going up against the best in the nation. They will have to play their best game of the year. Put pressure on VY, take pressure away from Zwick/Smith. Fans from other schools will say our QB play will make or break this game, but I think the Miami game showed us that it doesn't matter who lines up under center. They are all capable of getting the ball to our weapons.
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Best post of the thread:

Just look at all the obvious reasons why Texas is going to win:

-Texas is ranked higher in both polls.

-Ohio State only won one more conference championship under Tressel than Texas has under Mack Brown, all while not even having to play a conference championship game!

-Texas has never lost a BCS bowl game!

-Texas hasn't lost a road game since 2002, Ohio State lost a home game just last year!

-The Longhorns' win against Michigan last season was much more impressive than the Buckeyes'. I mean, why else would Vince Young be getting so much hype just from that game?

-Ohio State ranked 9th in their conference for total passing yards allowed last season, and Texas has a Heisman Trophy candidate at quarterback!

-Texas scored 56 points on Oklahoma State last season! Ohio State only scored 33... and in a bowl game no less.

-The Texas defense allowed only 12 points to arch-rival Oklahoma last season. Ohio State allowed a whopping 21 to their arch-rival, Michigan.

-Jim Tressel demonstrated in the 2001 Outback Bowl that he is not good at preparing for tough teams, nor is he a good gameday coach.

-Finally, Ohio State has <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->never<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> beaten Texas... ever.
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-Make Vince Young throw the ball
-Don't give up the big play
-No penalties or turnovers
-Huston looking like Nuge
-Zwick quickly hitting the open receivers
-Smith not trying to win the game by himself
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i am not saying that UT fans will overrun the place just that there will be alot of UT fans there, probably more than you expect. but then again if you guys normally have about 10,000 visiting fans at your stadium then maybe not more than you expect. and i realize that the rest of the fans there will be making alot more noise. just that i think alot of UT fans are making the trek up to columbus.........
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MolGenBuckeye said:
Best post of the thread:

Just look at all the obvious reasons why Texas is going to win:

-Texas is ranked higher in both polls.

-Ohio State only won one more conference championship under Tressel than Texas has under Mack Brown, all while not even having to play a conference championship game!

-Texas has never lost a BCS bowl game!

-Texas hasn't lost a road game since 2002, Ohio State lost a home game just last year!

-The Longhorns' win against Michigan last season was much more impressive than the Buckeyes'. I mean, why else would Vince Young be getting so much hype just from that game?

-Ohio State ranked 9th in their conference for total passing yards allowed last season, and Texas has a Heisman Trophy candidate at quarterback!

-Texas scored 56 points on Oklahoma State last season! Ohio State only scored 33... and in a bowl game no less.

-The Texas defense allowed only 12 points to arch-rival Oklahoma last season. Ohio State allowed a whopping 21 to their arch-rival, Michigan.

-Jim Tressel demonstrated in the 2001 Outback Bowl that he is not good at preparing for tough teams, nor is he a good gameday coach.

-Finally, Ohio State has <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->never<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> beaten Texas... ever.

Man, does this dude work for EPSN or what? That sounds like the kind of uneducated, half-truth type journalism they manufacture.
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In an continued effort to bring this hanus picture to the attention of all that need to see it for the greater good of man, does anyone have any ideas of a better place to host it so it isn't so slow and choppy? It's too large to upload to BP. :biggrin:

Edit: Ahem... rather "they're" too large to upload.
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OilerBuck said:
So now, not only will the 'Shoe not have any effect on the game...but now Texas fans are going to overrun Ohio Stadium and turn our home field against us.

I swear that Texas fans are sure they invented football and are the "end all" of any relevant conversation regarding it.

How did you get that out of what the original post was? "More than you think" does not equal "overrun ohio stadium"
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