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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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<!--Start Ted Ginn Image--><SCRIPT language=Javascript>document.write(insertImage('http://vmedia.rivals.com/uploads/1144/269066.jpg', '269066.jpg', 0, 267, 200, 1, 'Ted Ginn and the Ohio State offense will have their work cut out for them when they face a tough Texas defense.', '', 1126112035000, 'Ted Ginn', 1144, 'Align=Left'));</SCRIPT><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=208 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=202>
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</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Ted Ginn and the Ohio State offense will have their work cut out for them when they face a tough Texas defense.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- End Ted Ginn Image-->No. 2 Texas at No. 4 Ohio State
Saturday, 8 p.m., ABC
The Daily Line: Ohio State -1

Texas player to watch: By Saturday, every fan in America will be sick of the name Vince Young. However, he will not be the key to Texas' fortune. A receiver or tight end will need to take his game up two levels, not just one, to force the Buckeye's to respect the pass. If the Horns can do that, they'll create problems for Ohio State.
Ohio State player to watch: Ohio State player to watch: Though most of the noise surrounding the Buckeyes' linebacker corps has been made about A.J. Hawk and Bobby Carpenter, middle linebacker Anthony Schlegel will play a huge role in Saturday's game. With plenty of talent of his own, the senior will be a first day draft pick in April. He'll need to step up and have a big game against Young and the Texas offense for the Buckeyes' defense to be at its best.
The inside scoop: Despite all the speed that both of these teams boast, make no mistake – the game will be won or lost for the Buckeyes with the big men in the trenches. If the Ohio State offensive line can overcome a vaulted Texas D-line and get a decent running game established, the aerial attack will be that much more effective. A big question for the Buckeyes, of course, surrounds the quarterback position. Troy Smith will play – the only question is when. Tressel will keep that one close to the vest until game time.
Texas will win if … it can get something going in the passing game. A stout running game alone won't be enough to plow through the Buckeyes' defense.
Ohio State will win if … it continues the Tressel trend of pulling out close games by sheer willpower, because this one will be close.
Notes: These two teams are both in the top five for all time wins in NCAA history – OSU is fifth with 765 victories and Texas is third with 788 … This will be the first meeting between the two programs even though they've played a combined 2,245 games …
The pick: Ohio State 24, Texas 17

*At time of publication, the Nicholls State at Indiana game was still on. Due to complications from Hurricane Katrina, the Colonels were considering canceling the matchup.
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Agree folks will be louder than normal, but a lot of the rowdies have a hard time tearing themselves away from the Tailgates until just before the Kick.

Texas97 - Wait for the first time a serious O-H-I-O cheer makes its way around the stadium. Then you will have an idea of what it is all about.

Do try to be in your seats at least 20 minutes before KO to see the band come in. If you are going to make the visit might as well see all the traditions.

BTW - do you guys have some sort of unique and annoying cheer that you do as a group?
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I think that the moment that you step into this stadium you will feel the electricity. You will feel the tension in the cooling pre autumn air, and the lights will be shining brightly. You will look around and see ABC cameras scattered throughout the Shoe. You'll gaze up around the stadium, and see the opposing flags fly, including a Texas banner.......floating in the clear, dimming Columbus sky. Right below, hanging off the C deck you'll see the retired numbers of former Buckeye greats.....#31 Vic Janowicz......#40 Howard "Hopalong" Cassady.........#45 Archie Griffin.......#22 Les Horvath......#27 Eddie George. You'll get the feeling for the tradition, and great games this stadium has hosted. On the field you'll see a sea of scarlet warming up in the south endzone.......and a sea of white warming up in the north endzone. The field generals....Tressel and Mack Brown.......pacing around the field, with an almost iconic aura about them, knowing that this is a big one. This is only the pregame........:wink2:
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What I was really happy with was the reverses to Gonzo. The Miami gameplan was brilliant. I don't know that OSU ran any play from any formation more than once, and 8 different '1's' touched the ball in the 1st quarter (Ginn, Gonzo, Hall, Holmes, Hamby, Pittman, Zwick, Schnittker).

Chizik has a helluva lot to look over. As he has said himself, they've got between 8-10 different reverses to plan for, and OSU hasn't even run a fake, counter, or double reverse out of the formation with the current personel.
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I'd say about 10,000 fans. And again I think that we will drown out most of their cheers. I think allot of students bought the pregame this year as compared to most years, so I think the student factor will be in full force. The place is gonna be rocking
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exhawg said:
-Make Vince Young throw the ball
-Don't give up the big play
-No penalties or turnovers
-Huston looking like Nuge
-Zwick quickly hitting the open receivers
-Smith not trying to win the game by himself

awesome..that pretty much sums it up..especially making young throw the ball
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To anyone that will have the privilege to be at the game this week

You had better bring your vocal chords! No one.......and I mean no one should be sitting down when Texas has the ball. Every play on defense......yell your asses off, stomp bleachers, make fart noises with your hands......I don't give a shit, just do something to make some noise. Every single fan that will be in this stadium will be a part of this game, a part of a historic moment for the Horseshoe. Make your presence felt! There is no reason for Young not to be rattled.....that is OUR job. We'll leave the playing to our Buckeyes, but OSU needs us this week, our fan base needs us. We have to let America know that OSU is the real deal........and the Horseshoe is the nastiest stadium to play in, in the whole land.

Lets turn this place into a hornets nest............our guys will thank us for it, and Jim Tressel will to. With that ticket comes a responsiblity to make noise, I expect nothing less, and I'm sure the fellas in scarlet and gray will appreciate all the help they can get.

Go Bucks!!
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I actually have a plan to distract the Texas fans with small shiny objects... broken bits of glass, tin foil, that sort of thing... I imagine they will be too mezmerized to actually get in the game.
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daddyphatsacs said:
You had better bring your vocal chords! No one.......and I mean no one should be sitting down when Texas has the ball. Every play on defense......yell your asses off, stomp bleachers, make fart noises with your hands......I don't give a shit, just do something to make some noise. Every single fan that will be in this stadium will be a part of this game, a part of a historic moment for the Horseshoe. Make your presence felt! There is no reason for Young not to be rattled.....that is OUR job. We'll leave the playing to our Buckeyes, but OSU needs us this week, our fan base needs us. We have to let America know that OSU is the real deal........and the Horseshoe is the nastiest stadium to play in, in the whole land.

Lets turn this place into a hornets nest............our guys will thank us for it, and Jim Tressel will to. With that ticket comes a responsiblity to make noise, I expect nothing less, and I'm sure the fellas in scarlet and gray will appreciate all the help they can get.

Go Bucks!!

damn good post man..brought a tear to my eye..

and if anyone is wondering if they will be able to make enough noise, feel free to pass your ticket to me and ill step in and scream my freakin lungs out..

i just cant even imagine how loud its gona be, no matter where you are in columbus..this is going to be a weekend that ill never forget!!!
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