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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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<TABLE id=table1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Sure, I hate players being used as a decoy

I quit reading at this, it makes absolutely no sense.
How can you "hate" this?
Usually CFN is very good, but this is just stupid.
Does he hate the play action fake too?
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daddyphatsacs said:
You had better bring your vocal chords! No one.......and I mean no one should be sitting down when Texas has the ball. Every play on defense......yell your asses off, stomp bleachers, make fart noises with your hands......I don't give a shit, just do something to make some noise. Every single fan that will be in this stadium will be a part of this game, a part of a historic moment for the Horseshoe. Make your presence felt! There is no reason for Young not to be rattled.....that is OUR job. We'll leave the playing to our Buckeyes, but OSU needs us this week, our fan base needs us. We have to let America know that OSU is the real deal........and the Horseshoe is the nastiest stadium to play in, in the whole land.

Lets turn this place into a hornets nest............our guys will thank us for it, and Jim Tressel will to. With that ticket comes a responsiblity to make noise, I expect nothing less, and I'm sure the fellas in scarlet and gray will appreciate all the help they can get.

Go Bucks!!

Couldn't agree with you more. I hate some of the weak fans more than I hate Texas.

You'll hear me on Saturday, but I don't imagine I will be able to speak at all on Sunday.

Go Bucks
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