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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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bucknut4life said:

USC fans rooting for us to beat texas..
Huh? This thread is about



(Just wanted to put them in the same post so if you have a big screen like I do, you can get both pics in the same screen)
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hornyhoosier said:
Nailbiter all the way. The blow outs are quickly forgotten, but the games decided in the last second go down into legend.

Although like IAB said, the Buckeye fan in me wants to see a blowout.
However, no one will ever forget the 2002 National Championship Game. And when "we" pulled that out of our ass it was sweeter than the nectar... nevermind.
F ESPN, but you would never see ass-kickings on ESPN Classics.

Great topic by the way.
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DDOTT, I think you're showing your own bias by taking Smith's off-field transgressions out of the equation, but in Zwick's favor he was a bigtime recruit, has now started 8 games or so and ranks in OSU's top-20 passing, he's got great QB size, decent mobility, pretty good field awareness and improved decision-making. Tressel has recently compared his understanding of the offense to Krenzel's, which is a pretty strong testament to what he "brings to the table".

But those points do not take anything away from Troy's ability at QB. Liking Zwick and/or Smith is not a zero-sum game: they're both pretty darn good, and both Buckeyes!
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EngineerHorn said:
That's pretty funny. Woulda made more sense if it came from a sooner site though.

Aggie fans have a long and storied history of talking shit about players who completely own them. See also: Chrissy (Chris Simms), C-bong (Cedric Benson), Wicky (Ricky Williams). A note on Ricky, I think he has the most yards against one team, the Aggies, than anyone else in the history of college football.

Ricky's yards against aTm is interesting. I know that Tony Dorsett got a hell of a lot of yards against ND back in the day. 303 in one game, for sure.
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Buck Nasty said:
Alright guys here is the plan to get the Bucks a blowout:

Soon after I enter the stadium and take my seat, I am going to use Intimidating Shout. I will continue to use it until the game ends, and possibly longer.

I would suggest that everyone else uses their Intimidating Shout as well.

If you can cast Divine Intervention I would do that as well.

If all else fails fall back to Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt,

I would use Lightning bolt on Vince Young primarily.

I will spread my manna all over the Bucks, and it should turn into quite a blowout.

Can anyone crunch the numbers and give me an idea what the chances of this happening are?

Allright Chumps.... Let's do this!!!!!!


Oh my god, did he just go in there?
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sandgk said:
Christina Model


Do a quick Google Image search with that site name

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